Chapter 27. The War's Final Battle

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Hex makes his first move and slashes Cecil with his massive claws sending him flying into the rock wall. The minions were actually concerned for Cecil. "You've really done it this time." One whispered to him. Hex approaches him laughing. "Foolish dragon!" He said. "You're still too small and too weak!" Suddenly, Cecil strikes back by slashing his right leg. Hex didn't take the pain too kindly and grabs Cecil by his throat and picks him up nearly off the ground. "I'm gonna enjoy this very much." He said. Meanwhile, Isaac goes to the cage where Havana was. The impact from the fall actually opened the door. She was still unconscious and Isaac tries his best to wake her up. "You're majesty!" He said. "Can you hear me? Wake up!" She slowly opens her eyes and faces him. "Who are you?" She asked. "My name is Isaac." He said. "I'm a knight. I'm going to get you out of here." He notices that Hex and the rest of the dragons were still busy with Cecil. It was his chance to escape with Havana. "Let's get out of here." He said to her quietly. She stumbles out of the cage and they began their escape. Suddenly, one of the dragons noticed them. "Guys look!" He said. "Its a knight! And he's got the Princess!" Hex notices them. "Don't let them get away!" He yelled. All fifty dragons began to chase after Isaac and Havana. They continue on through the dark cave not knowing where to go. "Keep running Princess!" Yelled Isaac. Havana notices the dragons not far behind. "They're gaining on us!" She screamed. Suddenly, Isaac notices a rock pile that was barely intact. He puts Havana in a safe spot. "Stand aside!" He said. He kicks a rock from the bottom of the pile, causing the whole thing to collapse. "That'll buy us some time!" He said. He grabs Havana's arm. "Come on!" They continue to run for their lives. The dragons were trapped, but not for long. They begin to dig their way through to them. Suddenly, Isaac and Havana hit a dead end and became trapped themselves. "Oh no!" Yelled Havana. A few dragons made their way through the rock pile surrounded the two. They begin to laugh as they saw Isaac up close. "Do my eyes deceive me?" One asked. "Is this a knight or a peasant?" Isaac stands in front of Havana with his sword drawn. "I'll have to admit." Said another dragon. "He's a sneaky one to get in here." They look at the Princess who was cowering behind Isaac. "We aren't going to hurt you Princess." One Dragon continued. "But this knight would be a nice little meal for all of us." Isaac and Havana didn't know what to do. They were trapped with many dragons facing them.

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