Chapter 6. The Hole

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Meanwhile, Isaac, Conan, and the rest of the knights continue on their way to Black Rock Mountain. They had many ways to go before reaching their destination. They had to walk into a thick forest the entire trip. Isaac, was getting annoyed by the the bugs and tree branches all around him. "Ugh!" He said. "Stupid trees! Stupid BUGS! I HATE bugs!" Conan was also getting annoyed by Isaac's complaints. "You shouldn't have come here kid!" "He said. "You wanted to stair into the face of death. This is what you get. So you might as well get used to it." Conan looks back down at him. He stops for a moment. "Kid." He said. "Go on home. This is way too dangerous for you. Go back to the village where you belong. Where its safe." Isaac still refuses to listen. "I'm not going back!" He yelled. Conan trys to talk sence to him. "Boy!" He said. "I'm TELLING you to go back!" He calms down a bit. "I've known you since you were just a little boy. I've watched you grow. I cannot stand the thought of losing you to a dragon." The other knights stop as well to wait on Conan. Conan gets down on one knee and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Go on back to the village." He continued. "I want that to be my dying wish if I do not survive. Knowing that you're safe." "What about the King?" Asked Isaac. "The King would understand." Said Conan. "He never wanted you to leave in the first place." Isaac still tries to refuse. "No!" He said. "I will not go back unworthy!" Conan grins. "You're life is more important than your pride." He said. Conan gets up and turns around. Him and the rest of the knights continue their journey without Isaac. He stands in one spot for a moment until the knights disappeared from sight. At first, he thought about going back to the Village, then his pride got to him again and continued on down the path, except that he was now all alone. Conan and the others were nowhere to be found. He calls out for them. "Conan!" He yelled. "Anybody!?" He begins to get nervous after realizing that he was lost in the thick forest. He begins to run in what was thought to be the direction of the other knights. Suddenly, he falls straight into a sinkhole. It wasn't very deep, but had sprung his ankle. He calls out for his friend again. "Conan!" He yelled. "I need help!" There was no answer.

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