26 - A Bolt Out Of The Blue

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My jaw hung slack as a second figure followed behind Julia, trodding with a bounce to her step I knew all too well. Until she saw me.

Finally, my soul had re-entered my body. As I realized what Julia was telling me, I found my words.



"Alana is your new assistant?"

Every nerve in my body spiked up like a fresh set of spark plugs, rev'ed up to temperature and firing on all cylinders. My body felt hot, I instantly regretted throwing on that extra long-sleeve this morning. I tugged on the sleeves of my jacket until I had it off, throwing it down on the couch next to me before pacing back and forth down the length of it.

"I can explain, Lex."

"Julia, I bet you can," I held a finger up. Julia tutted, however got the message. Her regret-stained stature urged her to reach out to me, however that was the last thing I needed.

I needed air. "I want to know why I'm only finding out about this now. How long did you think you could hide this from me?"

"I wasn't trying to hide it from you, I swear!"

"Okay well you not telling me kinda falls into the realm of hiding it from me!"

I scoffed, staring up at the ceiling. What did Julia think she was doing here? I trusted her to hire an assistant, someone she thought could do the work and keep up with her. With the job. With all the little details and important deadlines.

Then I thought about Noah, and Rory. They must have known. They had been keeping this from me this whole time!

"I'll give you guys some space."

Julia turned and gave her sister a scolding look. As I watched the two communicate wordlessly, widening their eyes and splaying their palms, I realized I was faced with a hard decision here.

On one hand, I had been gone for over a month. That means Alana has been here for... over a month, because she surely wasn't around while I was here.

Julia had trained her. I knew Julia, I knew her well. Her work ethic has always been strong, it takes a high-bandwidth person to keep up with how she does her work. She's hyper-organized and doesn't wait for anyone to give her the answer she wants. That was the whole reason I allowed her to hire her own assistant— so she could vet them out herself (as if I'd have the time, anyway.)

If Alana had lasted this long working with her sister, maybe she was up for the task after all.

On the other hand— Alana and I don't exactly have the cleanest slate. She is Daniels ex, after all.

"Alana, wait."

With her hand on the door she had just walked in from, she twisted on her heel and stared back at me in surprise.

Daniels ex that he broke up with, so he could be with me.

I'd feel horrible if I didn't at least give her a chance. Give this a chance. The same hand Julia extended to me.

"Let's not do anything irrational, okay? Lets just—" I paused, pursing my lips and reflecting on my decision in disbelief. Am I making the right choice?

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