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It would be the final lull before hurling myself directly into the eye of my own version of a career-cyclone. The next step in my October MotorCars business plan.


- January 7, 2022 📍Camberley, Surrey -

I had to play it cool. Even though I was screaming internally, I had to go on like this was any other meeting. There was no way anyone could suspect anything. Not even Noah, though that was certainly a watchful eye that was hard to keep out of. He knew my whole schedule, better than I did at most times. He also knew me inside and out, and usually called me out whenever I seemed even slightly like I wasn't being genuine. So, either I had him fooled, or Noah wasn't as good at keeping a tight eye on me as he thought he was.

Part of me was a bit worried about not running this past Rory before I pooled my investments strategically and made one of the biggest decisions since starting the business. Then I reminded myself that he was my inspiration for doing this in the first place. Rory was always looking for ways to grow October MotorCars. He was the creative brain, and I had the pocket to make it all happen.

If I wanted to ensure longevity in this industry, and a fruitful life for my brother and his future child— this was how we would pave the clear. That is, if it all went how my business advisors and I all thought it would.

"Ava?" I spoke from behind her as soon as she placed the phone back on the receiver. The young girl shuffled the finance papers around on her desk, neatening up the piles slightly askew from resting her elbow on them accidentally. We had hired Ava to manage our in-house finance and loan deals, as well as an additional sales person to divide some of the work Ben and Noah had been drowning in. With our administrative assistant who came in from nine 'till four— we were now a bustling team of 7.

She looked up to me with a smile, raising her brows in question. My eyes darted from side to side. Noah was off on the road somewhere, Ben was at his desk furrowing his brow at his screen that he was hunched over. Rory was picking up a car from the detail shop and our new guy, Oscar, was just steps away showing a car to a client.

I kept my voice low, "When everyone has wrapped up and Noah and my brother return, could you tell everyone to gather on the couch? I have an announcement."

Ben looked up at me briefly, his hand dropping slowly from his chin and his brow relaxing.

"Would you like me to tell Noah and Rory to come back?" Ava asked.

"No need. It's nothing that can't wait until the end of the day," I waved her off and smiled in thanks, shooting Ben a look on the way back to my desk. By the time I reached my desk and sat down, Ben had totally wiped the interested look off his face, and continued with the paperwork he had on his desk. None of them saw this coming. I bit the inside of my cheek and smiled to myself as I continued getting the presentation for our meeting ready.

It wasn't long before Rory had returned from the chilled Surrey streets with a freshly detailed Land Rover, Noah just behind him from his day on the road with a his hands filled with coffee trays for everyone. I clapped my hands together and asked Tanisha if we was willing to stay for a few extra moments, promising her it'd be worth her while.

I ignored Noah trying to pry for answers as he wriggled on the couch in the lounge. My laptop had cast to the smart TV, and I had set up my slide show to the starting slide. The heel of my stiletto stuck out from the hem of my dress pant, tapping impatiently on the concrete. I rolled my eyes at him and my brother, my gaze set on them but my ears not tuned in. As my fingers traced over the delicately set diamonds on my white gold tennis necklace, a Christmas gift from Daniel, I reminded myself that I could do this. No matter what my nerves, and my gut, we're trying to impose on me.

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