15 - And Disruption

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"I understand how you feel. But, how I see it?" The fabric in my dress rustled against the seat as I twisted my body towards him curiously. Daniel continued. "The way I see it is Zak wouldn't have asked you if he and the team weren't confident you could live up to the standard. And beyond that? I get to have my best friend with me at every single race. By my side. Just what I wanted."


This would go according to plan. My plan. I had to trust my guts instinct, the way I felt hearing what Zak and McLaren Racing wanted from me in the first place.

My script was prepared. I had rehearsed it all over, and over, until I was sure there was no way I'd falter from my stance. It was how I kept myself busy during the familiar drive here, letting my muscle memory lead the way.

I wouldn't let myself get coerced into anything. My knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. There was no way that being an F1 Team Principal is the path I'm meant to take, and after talking to Carson, I have never been so sure of that.

There was already enough riding on me. I couldn't let Dad, Zak, and Daniel down by taking on something that I knew in my heart I wouldn't be able to handle.

Zak would find someone else. Because it sure as hell wouldn't be me.

My fists pounded on his front door, shaking the gold knocker between them. I know he's home, his car is parked in the driveway. I was being ignored on purpose.

Carlee had taken Alex out for a stroll, so I didn't have to feel bad about making a ruckus and disturbing my nephew. Though, I felt bad about not telling her why I needed to talk to Carson. I knew if I let her in on the fact I was going to try and convince him to accept the promotion, she'd have a few words to say to me. Not good ones, either.

It wasn't often that she took Carson's side over mine. Carlee always said I was the only one out of my siblings and I that had their head screwed on right. Always supported me, just like an older sister would. This, was a rare case.

But I was driven by my confidence. Carson would say yes. I could show him the bright side, convince him that this denial was all in his head.

I didn't have all day. If this all went well, we could go to the Tech Centre together to give Uncle Zak the good news. "Carson!" I finally shouted, letting my arms fling to my sides in frustration. My voice bounced off of the buildings behind me. "Let me in! Now!"

My pleading worked. My furious older brother swung his heavy oak door wide open, his mouth drawn into a stern straight line. He hovered over me, backing me onto the edge of his stair and shutting his door behind him. So much for letting me in, my eyes widened.

"I hope either that doesn't lock on its own, or you have a key hidden under your mat," I pointed at the rectangle behind him. Carson's hands remained on his hips, his eyes burning a hole through my own. "Not in the mood for jokes, I see..."

"Why are you banging on my door, hm? Why are you even here in the first place? We're supposed to be at the hospital."

"I can't drop in on my big brother for a word of wisdom or two?"

Carson jokingly stroked his chin before responding bluntly, "No. No, you can't."

"Well, I think it's in your best interest to listen to what I have to say."

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