09 - Now What?

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"It's Dad," Rory sighed. "I think something is wrong."


"What are you talking about?" I let out the less than understanding hiss as I clamped my eyes shut, shaking my head in suspended disbelief. Of all the things in the world he could have said, Rory thought something was wrong with Dad?

"What makes you say that?" Carson said at the same moment as I spoke, his eyes growing hard as he towered over Rory and I. Not just in height, but in authority. Always the quintessential older brother. We were stood side-by-side, Carson's eyes firm on Rory as he looked frantically between the two of us, grasping at any ounce of strength he could.

Carlee placed a hand on Carson's shoulder, who jumped back at her touch but softened his stance nonetheless, seeing the concerned look on his wifes face. "Dad called me when we were on the way," Rory began after letting out a steady breath. "He sounded off, he kept mumbling about not knowing where he was going. Then some nonsense about not knowing where he was meant to be going, not knowing who he was on the phone with-" Rory gasped, collecting his breath as his speech sped with every word. He explained even he was confused at that point— Molly told him they were going on a date. "Even Molly thought something seemed off. We decided to come here first to check if maybe he was already here, which he clearly isn't. Guys, I really just think we should go check on him."

"Okay," I nodded, mouthing the word, at this point concerned more for my brothers well being. Something had clearly set him off. Whatever it was— well I wasn't sure I was ready to join him.

"You've got to be kidding," Carson cursed under his breath as he gave Carlee an impatient, though worried look.

My fingers pinch the bridge of my nose as I scanned the room around us. Nobody was paying any mind to my brothers and I or what we had been talking about, huddled together near the entrance. Which was a good thing— I didn't want to draw any attention away from the night. This must have taken Daniel and Noah a lot of effort to put together, and not just for us. It was for them as well.

I also didn't want to cause a panic. Besides, chances are Dad was alright. Rory probably just hit a bad patch of reception and misheard. Dad was alright.

He just had to be.

"Maybe Rory and I could just go," I suggested calmly, looking at Carson. "It shouldn't take long. It's probably nothing."

"No," he shook his head feverously. "No, we'll come." Carlee nodded beside him in agreement, the two standing with interlocked hands. I watched my brother, standing strong and tough, and thought of his son. My nephew. Would Alex, the chubby ball of laughter, inherit that from Dad, from Carson? The October hard-headedness? The steely-eyes, and the ability to work through everything like some sort of project?

With a scoff, I gestured toward the crowd of people filling the Hangar. Oscar, giving his parents a tour of the cars on the lifts. Ben, showing his friends his desk as they stood and laugh jovially with beers in their hands. Everyone enjoying themselves, sat around the couch and playing card games. "And what about all of them? All of this?"

"We'll make sure everything here is going smooth," Daniel cleared his throat, as if he was asking for permission before he spoke. His thumb pointed to Noah, standing beside him with a somber smile on his face, trying his best to act sober and like he could be in charge.

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