Chapter 80

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Camden's POV

Scarlett has been keeping me updated all day and it doesn't sound like Erin has warmed up to her at all.

It hurts me to know that Scarlett is upset. She doesn't let anyone know when things upset her and she is so strong but I know that it still hurts. She text me an hour ago to tell me they were pushing through dinner but required snuggles and movies tonight. I got out of surgery early and rushed home to get everything set up.

The living room is decked out in twinkling lights and pretty well every blanket and pillow we own. I have my girls favourite chocolate; M&M's, in a bowl and I have the popcorn out and ready to pop when they get back. I expected them home almost half an hour ago and I'm starting to get worried.

I sip my wine and pick up my phone, ready to call Scarlett when the door opens and I hear toenails on my floors and a chorus of giggles.

I watch as Boss comes trotting into the kitchen, licking my hand as he passes. Briella and Genny follow in a fit of giggles as they chase him up the stairs.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" I watch them disappear up the stairs as I feel two arms wrap around my waist. Scarlett kisses my exposed shoulder, "I missed you."

"I miss you too, love. Change of plans?" I chuckle as I put my hands over hers on my stomach.

"Hmm. Martin called Briella. He has to have an emergency surgery."

"Is he okay?" I cut her off and turn in her arms.

"Yes. Something about a fall? He didn't give a ton of details but he's with us for a few days. Isla dropped Genny off at the coffee shop and I picked them both up. Apparently, she has been texting Bri all day and wanted a sleepover. I couldn't say no, she was so excited." Scarlett looks at me guiltily.

"It's okay babe, it won't change our plans that much. We'll just let them run off some energy for a bit before we get to movies and cuddling." I kiss her lips and pull back. "Isla?"

Scarlett rolls her eyes, "Yes. I got a lecture on the way here. Kelly's real name is Isla and I should call her by her real name. I've never been lectured by a little before." Scarlett laughs and I can't help but smile. I'm glad her day is turning around.

"I'll remember that for the next time I see her." I kiss her again. I can't help myself.

"Hmm, we can have some time to ourselves while those two play upstairs." Scarlett leans into me and a smile spreads across my face.

I don't know how long we stand in the kitchen in each others arms. We make out like teenagers, knowing we aren't going any further. Not with two littles running around.

"Ew Mommy's kissing Mama." Briella giggles. I take my hands off Scarlett and place them on either side of her on the counter. I turn to the girls who are covering their mouths and giggling.

"Are you two ready for popcorn and movies?"

"Yes!" They gasp and yell at the same time. Scarlett and I chuckle and I put the popcorn in the microwave, "Go pick a movie."

"Bri?" Scarlett calls, and our girl bounds over to her, "Did you feed Boss his dinner?" She bends to look our baby in the eye. Bri's eyes widen as she shakes her head no.

Briella rushes over to the container we keep of Boss's food and starts measuring it out. I watch her as I pour wine in glasses and get a bottle ready for Genny. According to Isla; her Mommy, she likes to have a bottle but doesn't like people to see her. Scarlett told me that Isla is thinking about breastfeeding, but isn't sure Genny wants to. Their relationship is still quite new with Isla and her husband Henry bringing Genny in, I think she is afraid to overwhelm her.

Scarlett takes the drinks and M&M's to the living room as Bri puts Boss's bowl on the ground. He sits patiently until I tell him to eat and I take the popcorn with me to the girls.

"What are we watching?" I sit down beside Scarlett as the girls start to climb into our cocoon of blankets and pillows.

"Robin Hood." Genny grins as she sits on my right. Briella crawls onto Scarlett's lap on my left and is already stuffing her face with popcorn. Shortly after the movie starts, Boss joins our snuggle pile, laying with his snout on his paws. 

We settle into the movie and are half way through before Briella starts tugging at Scarlett's shirt. I smirk as my wife maneuvers Bri to lay between us and lifts her shirt. Her noisy suckling grabs Genny's attention and I can see her watching out of the corner of my eye. I lean forward and grab the bottle, handing it to her without looking at her and wrapping my arms around her. After a few moments, I feel her relax slightly and move the nipple to her mouth before she starts drinking. I gave her normal milk, but I'm curious if she wants to nurse. Eventually I can't help myself.

"Genny?" Her blue eyes look up at me, "Do you want me to ask your Mommy to nurse? Like Briella?" I wait as she thinks about it before she gives me a slight nod. "Okay." I don't push her anymore tonight and tighten my arms around her. My body is turned towards Genny slightly, and I feel Scarlett's fingers scratching up and down my back. She's going to put me to sleep if she keeps that up.

"Is Bri sleeping?" I glance over my shoulder but I can only see the back of her head while Scarlett holds her to her breast.

"Just about. Genny?" Scarlett whispers.

I look down and see Genny's eyes closed as she nurses the bottle. Her lashes are spread across her cheek bones as she takes long pauses between suckles. "Almost."  This isn't a bad way to spend a night in, but I am looking forward to some time for just Briella, Scarlett and I.

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