Chapter 46

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Briella's POV

I wake up laying with Mama. It's too bright in here and I want to be sleeping. I kick my feet and whine before noticing Mommy is gone. Mama pulls me into her chest and starts rubbing my back. I bury my face between her boobies and breath in her scent. I already feel pretty little, but being this close when I'm whiny and tired just makes me slip farther. I start sucking on Mama's skin because I don't know where my paci went.

"Hold on, baby." Mama pulls away and I burst into tears. I have too many emotions and I can't process them so it's overwhelming me. I rub my eyes as she takes off her tank top and pulls me back to her.

"Shh. Here you go, baby. It's okay." Mama helps me latch and starts playing with my hair. I love Mama so much. And Mama's milk. Laying like this, Mama's other boobie squishes my cheek but I don't mind. I use my fingers to play with it as I snuggle into Mama. I wish I could get closer.

"There you go, sweetheart. Good girl." Mama looks down at me as I drink her warm milk. I could stay like this all day.

Scarlett's POV

Briella seems to be very little today. She has been nursing for a long time before she starts taking rapid breaths and whining.

"Shh okay." I sit up a bit and pull Bri on top of me, switching her to my other breast. "Should we find Mommy?" Briella just continues to noisily suckle and stare at me. I can see her tongue poking out between her lips that are wrapped around my nipple. Getting no response from her, I assume she isn't done so I leave her be. I rub her back as she goes off in her own little world.

The bedroom door opens and Camden walks in with a coffee in her hand. She smiles when she sees us awake and walks to me, giving me a kiss. "Good morning, love." She mumbles against my lips.

"Mmm morning. Is that for me?" I smile as she steps back and sets the coffee mug on the bedside table.

"Yes. I was going to wake you up with the aroma of fresh coffee but I see a little someone beat me to it."She rubs Briella's back and our little girl sighs then continues suckling. I chuckle at her as Camden hands me my mug.

"She is little, babe. When she is done we better get some real food in her belly."

"Oatmeal? I'm craving oatmeal, and she can eat that when she is little." Camden kisses Briella's cheek Before kissing my lips. "Come on, princess." Camden lifts Briella, making her drop my nipple and burst into tears.

"Here, babe." I hand her the pacifier from the sheets and she gives it to Bri as she rocks her.

"Shhh you're okay, princess." Camden calms her down while I head for the shower.


I walk down the stairs after my shower and see Briella in her high chair. She squeals as she sees me, "Good morning, baby." I kiss her head as she holds an apple slice up to me. She giggles when I eat it out her hand. I walked to Camden as she finished adding berries to our oatmeal. "The other two up yet?" I wrap my arms around her waist.

"They are. Should be down soon." Camden chuckles as I kiss her cheek and grab Briella's bowl.

"Come here, sweetheart." I sit in front of her and start blowing on her oatmeal. Normally, Briella feeds herself but she is very messy when she is feeling extra little. I'm trying to avoid having to bathe her before we go skating. At least with skating, we can both hold her hands and keep her from falling.

"Good morning, Adams!" Elizabeth says cheerily. I turn to look at her and see a hicky on her neck. I shake my head with a smirk as I start feeding Bri again.

"Someone had a very good morning I suspect." I mumble under my breath but she heard me. Lizzie sent me a glare before pouring her coffee.

"Morning ladies." Michael walked in and immediately started conversing with Camden. I know he is a bit much for her most of them time but she is a really good sport about it.

"Hi bug! Are you excited for skating today?"  Lizzie sits down with some toast and looks at my baby. Briella smiles and offers her some smushed bananas.

"That's yours, baby. You eat it." I giggled at Lizzie's face. She tried to keep it neutral but I could tell she wanted to gag. She has issues with textures.

"Are we leaving after breakfast?" Lizzie continued to eat her toast and started peeling an orange.

"Yeah. We can get ready after breakfast and leave. I still have to clean this one up and get her dressed." I smiled at Briella as she took the last bite of oatmeal.


"Hold our hands, princess." Camden and I help Briella step out on the ice. She is barely on the ice and is already having the time of her life.

"I love her giggle." I look over her head to Camden and pout my lip out.

"It's my second favourite sound." Camden smiles and I tilt my head.

"What's the first?"

Camden just looks at me with a smirk before biting her bottom lip and looking me up and down. My face instantly goes red, and not from the cold. Camden chuckles as we make our way around the outdoor rink. Briella is actually pretty good, but we don't let go of her hands. I don't want to end up in an emergency room.

"You're doing so well, sweetheart." I coo at her as we make another lap. It's lightly snowing and absolutely beautiful out here. This is picturesque and I wouldn't want to be here with anyone other than my wife and baby.

Authors note:

In honour of what would have been Betty White's 100th birthday and also my baby's 8th birthday, I am updating all my books with a couple of them getting double updates... so here is who you have to thank 😘

 so here is who you have to thank 😘

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Happy birthday Chloe!🐾

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