Chapter 50

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Briella's POV

I really don't want to be here. It's getting harder and harder to live like this. I don't know when I started hating coming to class or work, but all I know is that I only want to be little.

I know if I quit my job and school, that Scarlett and Camden would take care of me. They told me that when I voiced my reluctance to go before. I don't know if I actually want to work and get a degree, or if it's just what society is telling me to do so I'm doing it.

I was in class today, and I hate it. My teachers single me out all the time and I have no idea why. There is a ton of people and I never make any noise or cause a distraction at all.

Class ends in 15 minutes and Stephen will be waiting for me. I can't wait to get to Mama but I'm trying to not think about it or I will slip. I'm trying to pay attention to the teacher as she lectures but I'm starting to zone out. Mama has worked long hours the last two days and I have only seen her super early or super late and the lack of sleep is really catching up with me.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as a folded up piece of paper lands on my desk. I look around and see that Dean Walden is smiling at me. He has always been nice, not that I really give anyone a chance to get close. I like solitude, except for when I'm in little space.

I glance at the teacher who doesn't appear to have noticed, and open the paper:

Hey Briella
Do you want to grab some coffee with me after class?

I stare at it for a few moments before I start to panic. I don't know what he means and I don't have time to think about it. I quickly scribble back that I can't today and toss it back to him before gathering my thinks and quickly leaving as class ends.

"Good afternoon, Miss Bri." Stephen takes my bag and opens my door. It used to bother me; the extra attention, but now I just ignore it.

I fiddle with my fingers as we make our way to Mama's office. I quickly get out without waiting for Stephen to open my door and head in past Devin. He gives me a look but he hasn't said anything mean since my first time here. Mama said she sent him an email that I would be coming and he didn't check it which is why he got in trouble.

The elevator ride seems longer than normal but it gives me a few minutes to calm down. I'm just confused now. Kelly smiles when she sees me and holds her finger to her lips before calling me over.

"She is on a conference call. She should be done in a minute. Do you want a cookie?" Kelly always has the best snacks. She lets me put peanut butter on my cookies. Mama and Mommy would never let me do that.

"Yes please!" I whisper shout as she takes my hand and takes me to the little kitchen Mama has on her floor. She hands me two cookies and then gets out the peanut butter and helps me so I don't make a mess. She always offers me milk but I say no. My cheeks are hot as I think about how I'll get my milk in a minute.

Kelly heads back to her desk when her phone rings and I finish up my cookies while swinging my legs under the table.

I hear Mama's voice and I sit up straighter as I dust the cookie crumbs off myself and start walking to Mama.

"There she is." Mama smiles at me and holds her arms out. I quickly glance at Kelly before running into Mama's arms. "I miss you, baby."

"Miss you, Mama." I whisper in her ear and then she picks me up. I wrap my legs around her waist and hide my face as she carries me. I don't know if Kelly knows, but I'm almost at the point in not caring.

"Did you have a good day, sweetheart?" I shook my head as Mama rubs my back. "I'm sorry you didn't, baby." Mama kisses my head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I did, but I missed Mama more. The last two days were harder on me that I would like to admit.

"Later?" I look up at her and even if she said no I don't think I could stop myself anymore. Mama seems to notice because she uses that smile that's only for me.

"Sure baby. Do you want to nurse?" I don't even nod I just tug gently on her silk shirt. "Eager little baby." Mama smiles and takes out her booby. I latch on and start drinking and sigh when the milk touches my tongue. I could do this all day.

Mama starts humming and I know she is playing that dirty trick to get me to sleep. I whine at her slightly but I'm not giving up her booby for anything.

"Shh sweetheart. Mama's right here." Mama starts patting my bum and I'm a goner.

I keep jerking myself awake when I feel like I'm falling, and Mama holds me closer to her chest until I fall asleep.

Scarlett's POV

I try to get some work done while nursing Briella. She fell asleep a while ago but is still steadily nursing. I think she missed this as much as I did the last couple days. She is clinging to my in her sleep as I read over the final paperwork for the deal I've been working on. I have been working way too much on this because the team I had doing it, almost caused it to fall through. I fired the team leader and will have to interview a new one as soon as I catch up.

I hear a gentle knock on my door and I know it's Kelly. I'm in a very compromising position. I try to unlatch Briella, but she starts whining and clinging to me. I sigh, this isn't something I wanted my secretary seeing. I try to cover the best I can with my shirt and Briella's head.

"Come in." I speak loud enough I know she can hear.

Kelly pokes her head in and freezes. She has caught  Briella sleeping in my arms, snuggled up before but she doesn't know about the breastfeeding.

"Sorry ma'am. I can come back-."

"It's okay Kelly. I trust your discretion." I give her a small smile as she walks to my desk and hands me the paperwork to go over and takes files off my desk to put in her cabinet. "Thank you."

Kelly's cheeks flare pink as she nods with a small smile and slips out my door. I really should give her a raise.

I stand up while holding Briella and walk around my office for a moment because my ass is falling asleep when I hear voices behind the door. I'm not expecting anyone and my employees don't show up here unannounced. I lay Briella on my couch and pop my nipple out of her mouth. Must to her displeasure, as she starts whining and rooting around for it. I grab her pacifier from my bag and give it to her quickly and thankfully she stays asleep.

I quickly fix my shirt and open my door, heading  towards Kelly's desk when I see a man I despise. Walter Whitton.

"Walter." I say with a cool tone.

"Scarlett. Tell your secretary to let my into your office. She threatened to call security on me." He glares at Kelly who doesn't even flinch.

"My office is not an option at the moment. What can I do for you?" I cross my arms and I can't help but notice his eyes drop to my chest. Gross.

"You haven't gotten back to me about hiring my nephew on." He finally draws his gaze away from my chest.

"I thought he was looking to intern over the summer?"

"One and the same." Walter looks mad, probably because I didn't jump at the chance to have a Whitton working for me.

"He can come in this week for an interview. Have him call to set it up with Kelly." I give him a tight lipped smile and turned before he could argue, "Have a good day Walter." I can feel his eyes burning on my on my ass and I instantly regret how tight my shirt it. I let out a breath when I close the door and smile when I see Briella suckling away on her pacifier. Two more hours and I get to be home with my girls.

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