Chapter 44

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Fun fact: this actually happened at a family Christmas before

UghSt00pid —>you're up ;)

Scarlett's POV

I quickly put on my bikini and grab the whiskey. I feel like the occasion probably calls for it.

"It's fucking cold out here." Elizabeth mumbles as she climbs in the hot tub.

"Shut up. Here." I hand her a Jamison and ginger ale. She smells it like a weirdo.

"Canada Dry?"

"Who drinks that Schweppes shit." I crinkle my nose and she downs half of it.

I stare at her as she takes a deep breath. "Okay, so we were staying with his parents but had Christmas dinner at his aunt and uncle's. There was some bad weather so we all ended up staying the night."

I nod along as I sip my whiskey. This is some good stuff, this is why I only drink this whiskey.

"So his cousins which I'm assuming were on some kind of drugs, decided in the middle of the night to start a fist fight-."

"When you were all sleeping?"

"Yes, his little cousins got up and went to eat leftovers. They woke everyone up and his cousins Ryan and Jody started a fight. They were definitely high. Anyway, Michael tried to break it up, which he managed to do. Than Ryan cried and got mad, he took off running with no shoes in all this snow! Literally everyone was fighting. His cousin Tonia called his sister a fat bitch and I thought his mom was going to lose it. Then Ryan's mom and Michael's mom ended up in a yelling match and Michael's dad stood between them. Now his Aunt is threatening to have his dad arrested for laying hands on her when he didn't. It's such a mess. I could hear them all yelling, but Michael locked me in the bedroom with all the kids. I held his nieces and nephews while they cried but thankfully the really little ones stayed asleep. I'm never going back there." Elizabeth finished the rest of her drink before pouring another.

I sat there completely in shock. "What a shit show."

"Yeah. So we ended up driving home to Michael's parents house at 3 in the morning."

"I'm so glad I don't have family gatherings." I breathe out as I finish my drink.

"Yeah. It's almost as bad as when his parents heard us having sex." I almost choked and the next thing I know Cammie and Michael come out in their swim suits. Thank god this hot tub is huge because Cammie is feeling handsy.

"Hi baby." Camden pulls me on her lap and kisses me.

"Get a room." Lizzie mumbles into her drink as Michael puts his arm around her.

I turn around but Cammie keeps her hold around my waist, holding me on her lap. "Are you guys ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes! I've never skied before though so this should be good." Elizabeth cringes slightly.

"I'll teach you babe." Michael kisses her head and it makes me smile. I'm glad he loves her so much. Even if his family is bat shit crazy.

"I don't think Briella has ever been skiing either. And I'm not great at it, I might hang out on the bunny hill all day with her."

"No babe, you have to come on the big hills with me." Camden kisses my neck and makes me shiver.

"Okay fine. But only if Briella is okay."

"I will totally hangout with her in the chalet if she doesn't." Lizzie laughs and hands her drink to Michael.

This is exactly what I need. A good hot tub with my friends.


I wake up feeling little hands inside my shirt. I smile and peak my eyes open, seeing Briella sucking her thumb and playing with the buttons on my shirt.

"Why are you up, sweetheart?" She looks up at me with big eyes like she didn't think I would wake up. I smile at her and pull her to me. I snuggle her for a minute before lifting my shirt and letting her latch on. When it was clear after a while, she wasn't falling back to sleep I start talking to her, "Do you know what we're doing today? We are going skiing. Have you ever been skiing?" Bri slightly shakes her head. "Mommy will teach you."

Briella points to me and I chuckle, "Mama is not very good at skiing, but Mommy is amazing. You'll be better than Mama I'm sure." I kiss her head as I feel Camden roll over behind me and wrap her arm around my waist.

"Good morning, princess." Camden runs her fingers through Briella's hair as I see her smile around my nipple.

"I was telling her about our skiing trip."

"Are you excited?" Camden smiled against my arm and Bri nods slightly.

"Come on. Let's go wake up Auntie Lizzie and Uncle Michael." I smile and sit up with Briella. I put her pacifier in her mouth as she pouts and pick her up. We walk towards Lizzie and Michael's room and I listen at the door before letting her in. I don't need my baby seeing that.

"Go wake them up." I whisper as I hold the door open. Briella runs to Lizzie's side and climbs on top of her.

"Good morning, bug."

"Mo'ning Aun' 'izzie!" Briella smiles and kisses Lizzie's cheek.

"Come on, sleepy heads. Time to make breakfast." I smile and shake my head. Michael is still sleeping, how? I'm not sure.

Hopefully we make it through the day unscathed.

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