Chapter 36

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Camden's POV

Scarlett and I are sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Briella. The meeting with the lawyer was short and to the point, thankfully. Briella may have to testify, but we are hoping the video footage is enough. We managed to get Bri out of headspace last night, and she agreed to speak with someone today. She thought it would help her to talk through it and she knew she would slip if she talked to Lettie or I about it. We are waiting for her to be done with the doctor now, and Scarlett's leg hasn't stopped bouncing. She is afraid this will have a negative impact. I'm hoping it helps, seeing it didn't take much convincing to get Bri to come here. I think she wanted to talk to someone, but she didn't know how to ask. She let herself fall into little space and was hiding there.

I take Scarlett's hand and squeeze it, trying to calm her down some.

"You need to relax, love. We have to be calm for Bri so she can figure out her own feelings, not ours." I kiss her cheek and rub my thumb across the back of her hand.

"I know. I just want to hold her and protect her from the world. I have a really hard time remembering that she is 19 and an adult." My wife pouts, "She's my baby." She whispers making me smile.

"She's OUR baby. And I know exactly how you feel, love. I want to protect her too." I bring her hand to my lap at hold it in both my hands. Scarlett takes a deep breath before rolling her shoulders in an effort to calm down. The door opens and Briella comes walking out slowly, with Boss one step behind her.

"Hi princess. You okay?" I ask as Scarlett and I stand.

"Yeah." Briella whispers as she pets Boss' head.

We had discussed how involved she wanted us, and as of right now she wanted to do it alone. Which is totally fine. It just makes Scarlett and I feel useless.

"Want to grab some lunch on the way home? We can grab something light or have a big meal and just snack later since it's so late?" Scarlett always wants to feed people. She is an emotional eater herself and I think that's why. She tries really hard to control her own nervous habits but she sometimes projects them.

"Sure." Briella whispers again. We turn to head out and I squeeze Scarlett's hand. We stand silently in the elevator as the doors close. Briella is standing in front of us facing the doors and Scarlett rests her hand on Briella's shoulder. She flinches at the touch, but relaxed and leaned back a bit so Scarlett left her hand there, slightly rubbing her shoulder with her thumb.

It's a little cold to be sitting outside, but we have Boss with us so we have to find an open patio.

We made small talk and tried to get Briella to engage. She is sitting beside Scarlett, with Boss laying on her other side at her feet. I'm trying to keep an eye on her but remain incognito. I have noticed that she is inching closer to Scarlett. Not sure if she is just cold or seeking her comfort.

"Are you going to the office on Monday?" I know I have to go back to work on Monday but I don't know what Scarlett's plan is yet.

"I'm uh, not sure yet." Scarlett glances to Bri before giving me a look to drop it.

"You have to go back to work." Briella quietly responds while furrowing her brow in the absolute cutest way possible.

"I know, baby. I will when you're ready." Scarlett puts her arm around Briella and kisses the top of her head. Even when Bri is ready, I'd bet money on it that Scarlett wouldn't be.

"I'll be okay." Briella's fingers go in her mouth and I know she is probably starting to slip. She has a hard time staying big when we use pet names and with physical affection.

"Well how about if I go back, you can come hang out in my office? We can bring your books and you can sit at my desk with me and work on assignments?" Scarlett is now rubbing Bri's shoulder and I don't even think she realizes she is making her slip.

Briella just nods and makes her way onto Scarlett's lap. Slight shock flashes across my wife's face before she wraps her arms around our baby.

I totally saw it coming, for the record.

"Let me get my girls home." I quickly pay and we make our way to the car. I half expected Briella to fall asleep on the way home but she managed to stay awake.

"Do you want to watch a movie, princess?" I ask as I carry her inside. I scooped her up before Lettie could, even though she pouted at me. I know Bri will want to nurse and have a nap, so I am taking this time to get some snuggles in.

Bri nods with her head on my shoulder, as we make our way into the living room. I sit in the extra large recliner and lean it back. Bri snuggles into my chest as I bring up a movie that she probably won't see much of. Scarlett comes in a little while later, having changed her clothes and picks up Bri to change her on the floor. She diapers and dresses Bri in a onesie while I run upstairs to change into comfy clothes.

All three of us snuggle on the big chair with Briella on top of Scarlett and I. Her head is on my shoulder until she starts getting sleepy and she moves closer to Scarlett. I roll my eyes, it's kind of funny to see her acting shy. We all know what she wants. Scarlett kisses both of her cheeks before lifting her shirt and helping Bri latch. I can hear her suckling eagerly and I soon forget the movie. I'm too entranced watching Bri and Scarlett. My wife is gently running her fingers over Bri's cheeks and forehead, while Briella's eyes haven't left my wife's face. Briella's hand comes up and lays over Scarlett's heart and I can't help the small smile that's on my face now.

Scarlett leans down, kissing Briella's head before I pull them closer to my side. Briella suckles for a long time before she grunts in irritation and Scarlett switches her to her other breast.

From this angle, Briella has to look up at me from over Scarlett's shoulder. She is straining to see me, making me smile and Scarlett chuckles.

"Finish up, baby. Then you can see Mommy." Briella smiles and some milk dribbles down her chin before she goes right back to it.

"She is going to town."

"She hasn't nursed today." Scarlett whispers as she pats Briella's back gently. I forgot she couldn't nurse this morning. "She'll be asleep soon."

I smile down at Briella as her eyes slowly start closing. Today was a big day for her, and I know that I will do anything for her to get through this.

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