Chapter 37

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Camden's POV

It's been a couple weeks since Briella started seeing her therapist. She goes Wednesdays and Fridays and seems to be doing well. She started going to her Wednesday classes after her first session, and wants to go back to work this week. Scarlett and I are super worried about that, but it's what she wants. She had a hard time last week when Boss had to go home. Martin actually got out of the hospital a while ago, but he felt horrible for what happened at his business and to one of his favourite employees, that he let him stay longer.

Briella still doesn't talk about it to us when she is big. As long as she is doing well, and talking to someone; that's all I can ask for. Little her is still the same, except more clingy. She is also afraid of men now, not that she was overly trusting towards them before.

Unless she is working, doing school work or at her therapist appointments, she is little. She appears to be doing really well, which is what scares me.

"We should go wake her up." I hear Scarlett mumble from beside me.

"I know." I release a deep sigh, "I was avoiding it."

"Well if she wants to snuggle and nurse, she has to get up now." Scarlett kisses my cheek before crawling out of bed and walking across the hall. I stare up at the ceiling, trying to remain calm for Bri.

"Look who's up!" I hear Scarlett coo at Briella as she carries our sleepy girl into our bedroom. Bri smiles at me as she sticks her fingers in her mouth.

"Come here, princess!" I whisper yell so she can hear me. She giggles and reaches for me as Scarlett sets in in my lap for snuggles. I hold her close and rock side to side while she snuggles into my chest. I don't know where Scarlett went, but I just hold my baby as she smiles up at me.

"Here, babe." Scarlett walks back in with coffee.

"I love you." I tilt my head back and she pecks my lips and giggles.

"Me or the coffee?"

"Um I plead the fifth." I give her my best smile as she rolls her eyes.

Scarlett sits in her side of the bed and props herself against the headboard. Briella's eyes are glued to Scarlett now. She knows what's coming.

"Come here, sweetheart." Briella all but dives into Scarlett's lap, making both of us laugh. She seriously loves nursing.

The get situated while I start drinking my coffee. Soon enough all I can hear is Briella's suckling and Scarlett whispering to her. I can't tell what she is saying but Briella is eating up the attention. I place my hand on Bri's belly and she starts playing with my fingers. I really wish we could just keep her safe in this bed with us forever.

Briella's POV

I love nursing with Mama. It's my favourite thing, along with Mommy's snuggles and Boss. I miss Boss. I get to see him today!

Mama switched me to the other boobie awhile ago. I almost cried because I didn't want to move. I look up at Mama and she is smiling at me. I know I have to stop and be big and I feel very conflicted. I noticed I was starting to come out of headspace already.

I let go of Mama's nipple and put my face in her neck. I just want to be coddled a little bit longer. Mama wraps her arms around me and kisses my head.

"Are you big?" Mama whispers.

"In between." I shrug my shoulder and breath in Mama's scent. She smells so good.

"Are you sure you want to work today? You can come to work with me, it's no problem." Mama rocks from side to side slightly.

"I need to. I promise to call if I need you."  I mumble into Mama's neck.

"Alright, love. Let's get you ready for work."


I'm standing in front of The Coffee House. I told Mama and Mommy that I didn't need them to walk me in. They both wanted to drop me off, but I sent them away before they could walk me in. I can feel them watching me, I'm assuming from down the street. I can't lie and say it doesn't make me feel a little better. Taking a deep breath, I head into work. The strong smell of coffee instantly assaults my nose. I almost missed that smell. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground and Boss is licking my face.

"Boss! Get off her boy." I look behind Boss to see Sophie pulling him off me and Martin standing in his office doorway.

"You okay, sweetie?" I looked up at Carrie who had put her hand out for me. I took it and she pulled me onto my feet.

"Yeah. It's okay, Boss just wanted to say hello." I smile at them and pet Boss' head. "I'm ready to work."


I was glad when no one questioned me and let me jump right to work. I know they are watching me, and I appreciate it but I'm already anxious and I don't need them adding to it.

I have been doing pretty well. The worst part is the anxiety. I feel it all the time. It's less when I'm with Scarlett and Camden. Dr. Chandler and I have talked about going on medication but I wanted to see if I could do it on my own first. I thought I would be depressed, but so far I just feel like someone is watching me all the time. The police said that the guy confessed to stalking me. He knew when I worked and when we were the busiest, so he waited for his opportunity.

He is still in jail, so I should be able to relax.

"Briella, how are you?" Martin announced himself as he walked over. I appreciate that he didn't sneak up on me.

"I'm good, Martin. Better than I thought. How are you? Recovery going well?" I keep myself busy, wiping down the counters.

"I'm doing well for an old man. Not recovering as fast as a younger man but I'll get there." He pauses and I know he is looking for the words. He already apologized, and it's not like it's his fault anyway.

"I wanted to say how sorry I am. I feel like I failed you, keeping you safe you know."

"It's alright, Martin. You didn't do anything wrong. You were in the hospital anyway. Boss protected me, so really I should be thanking you." I give him a smile as I turn to face him.

Martin nods as he looks at the ground. I hear the door chime, and turn to see Mama walk in and smile at me. Martin notices and smiles at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, sir." I wave to Martin and the girls before patting Boss' head and running to Mama.

"Hi, baby." Mama kisses my head as I hug her.

"Hi Mama."

"How was work?" We walked outside holding hands and making our way to the car.

"Long, I ready to go home." My fingers tap anxiously on Mama's knee.

"Hmm, sound like I'm picking up my baby. Did you slip sweetheart?"

I nod. I'm well on my way to slipping. By the time we get home I will have completely.

"Mommy is going to meet us at home. She got off early and is excited to see you." Mama kisses my forehead and I smile as I snuggle into her side. I start to feel sleepy and the last thing I hear is Mama tell Stephen something about a drive thru and then I'm asleep.

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