Chapter Thirty-Six

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Hell no, not if he can stop it.

Before any more could be said you groaned and moved just a bit

Y/n's Pov:

I gotta stop waking up to bright lights.

I lifted my hand to rub my eyes while forcing myself to sit up. "Woah take it easy." I blinked the blurriness away to see Aizawa, Present Mic, Nezu, and Katsuki there.

Was I dreaming? It didn't feel like a dream. My whole body's aching, my head is killing me. "Could you turn down the lights?" Present Mic rushed over and turned them down just a bit, it made my eyes feel better.

Nezu spoke. "I'll go get the doctor so he can take a look at you." I didn't say anything and watched him leave the room.

I didn't know what to say to Aizawa, I wanted to say so much but I didn't know what to start with first so I just spoke without really thinking about it.

"I'm sorry." Aizawa nor Present Mic said anything.

I felt a hand slip into mine, my eyes moved to Katsuki who looked like he was dying to say something but was probably stopping himself because Aizaws was there.

I was so happy to see him. I wanted to cry; I felt like I was going to but it never happened. Instead, the door opened and I saw Nezu walk back in but this time with a doctor.

The doctor greeted me with a smile before looking at his clipboard. Nezu took this moment to speak. "Aizawa, Present Mic." He didn't say anything else but motioned for both of them to follow him outside.

They nodded and looked at me before leaving with him. Now it was just me, the doctor, and Katsuki. "I'm Dr. Kaito How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine, tired." Nothing physically hurt but mentally I'm not sure. I had hoped I would get a few moments to collect my thoughts but everything is moving fast.

He took a flashlight and looked into my eyes. I just let him do so until he spoke again. "Everything looks okay. Is there anything you think I should look at?"

I knew what I wanted. "Uh, yeah my neck." I looked at Katsuki before moving my hand out of his to move my hair aside. He didn't like that I did so but didn't say anything.

I was wondering when he would say something to me.

Dr. Kaito came around and looked at them. "It looks okay to me. No bruising-"

"Actually." I started. "Could you feel around it?" I saw Katsuki look at me weirdly, not understanding why I wanted him to do that.

I felt the cold touch of gloves on my neck. "Hm, there's something." So the doctor didn't remove it before. "Okay, can you get it out?"

Dr. Kaito moved in front of me. "Yes I could but I would need to do a whole operation. You can discuss it with-"

I shook my head cutting him off. "I don't need to I just want it out." Dr. Kaito thought for a moment before nodding.

"Okay, I'll get everything prepared but please talk to your guardian about it just in case you change your mind." He smiled before leaving the room. I took a deep breath and just sat there.

I looked at Katsuki who was still just looking at me. I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Say something, please."

He blinked a few times. "You're an idiot."

I kept staring into his eyes and let my smile form. And then I let a chuckle out and that chuckle turned into a whole laugh. I hate him so much, I really do.

Second Chance - K. BakugoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang