Mission Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

Gretchen and Monica look at each other

Monica: "are they making any demands?"

o'Brien: "just leave us alone"

The comms stop working, the agents only hearing static

Gretchen: "what was that about?"

Monica: "leave us alone?"

hart: "we tried the nice way bit now we need to get the job done. Lets move out"

Multiple shield agent start making their way towards the building

Gretchen: "i don't know how i feel about this"

Monica: "neither do i"

They both make their way back into the van

hart: "in position"

Monica: "no movement on thermal"

Hart:" alpha set up"

Agent: "bravo good to go"

Hart: "all teams, this is alpha. Go for breach"

They see the agents storming the building on the thermal screen

Agent: "back entrance secure. Moving upstairs"

Agent: "contact, southwest corner!"

They hear a gunshot coming from the radio

Agent: "bravo, check in"

Agent: "we're taking hits downstairs. We've got civilians here! I see a little girl"

Agent: "friendly fire, friendly fire"

Hart: "all agents, disengage, disengage"

Monica: "hart, bravo, come in. all operators, check in"


Gretchen:"that doesn't sound good"

Monica: "we need to call this in"

Gretchen: "let me go"

Monica: "what?"

Gretnchen: "I'm special opps. Let me go, we don't know what will happen by the time backup arrives"

Monica: "Gretchen, it's not safe"

Gretchen:" fuck it. People will die if we don't do anything now. We need to do what's right. I will take the fall for this, we just need to get them out"

Monica: "fine but i better not get into trouble for this"

They hear sirens starting to sound

Both agents get out of the van, Gretchen running towards the building

Monica: "great, I need to come up with some type of lie... biohazardous seems to work the best"

Sighing, she pulls out her badge. as Monica is doing that, Gretchen makes her way into the bustling, fighting people along the way. After a few seconds, she enters a room. Looking around the room, she sees Agent Hart in the corner

Gretchen; "hart, hart it's  Norris, we need to get everyone out of here"

Hart: "it's dangerous out there"

Gretchen: "what?"

\hart: "I need your pain"

He reaches for his gun but Gretchen kicks it out of his hand. Gretchen grabs agent Hart and pins him to the wall

Gretchen: "what the hell are you doing!"

Hart: "I need your pain. I need all your pain"

Gretchen: "what the-"

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