Chapter Six- Renge, the demon manager

Start from the beginning

As the twins somehow appeared right next to her, they were pushed away before they could pester her further, as Tamaki overdramatically greeted the new guest.

I wasn't really paying any attention to what he was saying, until I heard her yell at him, and turned to look in shock.

"Stop it, you phony! Your nothing but a phony prince! No prince goes around spreading their love so willingly, how can you be so stupid?" She repeatedly insulting him, and it seemed like each word stabbed Tamaki in his heart over and over again. As I watched, I couldn't help but hold back the small fit of giggles building up at the sight in front of me. It was all really funny when you thought about it! Tamaki fell back in weird slow motion.

Kyoya looked thoughtful. "Excuse me, are you..." She stopped, and blushed as she looked like she was about to cry.

"Kyoya-sama!" She attacked him in a one sided hug, jumping over Tamaki in the process. "My prince..."


A while later, she was explaining who she was. "Fiancè?"

"Yes, my name is Renge. I will be transferring to Class 1A tomorrow."

She started going on about seeing him doing all these things that I never would've pictured Kyoya-san doing. Meanwhile, it seemed to be making Kyoya see, extremely irritated.

"Could you maybe, be thinking of someone else?" Haruhi questioned, everyone else nodding in agreement, while Kyoya just stood there.

"No, you can trick me!" She continued to rant on about some qualities that she is sure Kyoya has, but it seems as though she's talking about a different person entirely. She seemed to be majorly confusing everyone too, as the twins looked like the might self-destruct if this went on any longer. It was so obvious, she was just a stupid otaku who's obsessed with a dumb game I've played once before. Seriously, I was laughing really hard at these guys in my head right now, everything was just so idiotic and stupid. That may seem weird, and rude, but I just find it a little too funny.

"You are the one who looks just like Ichijo-Miyabi-kun!" Renge finished, pointing at him, like a determined statue waiting for a reaction. Yep, now it seemed to be hitting everyone. I covered my mouth, trying to stop the rude interruption from happening, as I would've laughed very loudly.

Honestly, I had thought Kyoya would've caught on sooner, but that fact that he didn't just made it more humorous.

Everyone looked to Kyoya as he explained how she deluded herself into thinking they were engaged, and looked rather shocked as they realised that he'd only just met her this once.

Renge didn't really seem to be paying any attention to anyone but Kyoya, and then said something that surprised and maybe upset some people. "I'm going to be the host's club's new manager!"

"Kyoya-san..." I spoke up, desperately hoping he would deny her the title.

A Little Bit of Honey- OHSHC- Mitsukuni HaninozukaWhere stories live. Discover now