Chapter 24 - Old Friends

Start from the beginning

Matthew bites his lip, clearly trying to contain himself. "In that case, I'll need a cold shower."

He steps out of bed and my mouth starts watering. His body never ceases to amaze me and seeing how hard he is for me makes me yearn. Tingle. Butterflies. Maybe I should convert to being a dessert girl myself. Matthew leans towards me, kissing me feverishly, knowing very well he's turning me on before he pulls away.

"I like you in my clothes," He winks before walking into his bathroom. I brazenly stare at his ass until he disappears.

I try to calm my arousal by fanning myself. Walking out of our room and heading to the kitchen I pull out a few pans and bowls to start whisking eggs. I'm in the process of adding toppings when Sage appears around the corner. She's not remotely surprised to see me.

She's rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, a smirk forming on her lips. "Well hello, roomie."

I blush slightly, giving her an innocent smile. "Want an omelet?"

"Want some pants?" She retorts with a laugh, taking a seat at the island counter.

"I have no clothes here." I tell her with a shrug.

Matthew appears into the kitchen, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, his hair wet from the cold shower. "She'll take you shopping this weekend, right Sage?"

Sage groans in disapproval, "Well I guess I have to now. What the Alpha wants, the Alpha gets."

I serve the omelets to both of them. Just as we're about to start eating, we hear the front door open. River's scent hitting the three of us as he makes his way to the kitchen. Matthew growls, standing up from the table and quickly walking to the living room to pick up a blanket. Just as River rounds the corner, Matthew wraps my lower half in the blanket.

"What River?" Matthew barks somewhat aggressively. I guess he's not very pleased his view or morning is being ruined.

"Sorry Alpha," River tries to maintain his composure, but I can tell he finds it amusing. "I have urgent news or else I wouldn't have come."

Trying to be polite, I grab River's attention with a kind, "Would you like some coffee?"

He seems grateful, nodding his head with an enthusiastic, "Please."

"I'll make some for everyone." I smile gently, holding the blanket around me for Matthew's ease as I maneuver my way around the kitchen. The three of them retreat into the living room—I can still hear them while I make a few coffees.

Placing all mugs on a tray, I take it into living room, somehow balancing a tray on one hand while holding the blanket with the other. I walk over to Matthew who's sitting in the sofa chair. He pulls me into his lap, his arm snaking around me as I sip on my mug—trying to wake up. He did keep me up quite late.

"What were they doing here?" Sage asks River, her eyes clouded with anger. They were talking about the attack that happened. Somehow, River discovered that the wolves weren't rogues, they were rebels.

I can only imagine how he managed to get that information. I haven't thought of it hard enough but I'm sure Matthew has some sort of prison on pack territory. This town is so old and medieval, it probably looks like a classical dungeon or cave.

"Recruiting." River's voice laced with annoyance. "Not that they succeeded much anyways but I guess these rebels are desperate to increase their numbers for the cause."

Matthew goes quiet for a minute. His mind seeming to wrap around this news. I reach for the coffee table, handing him a cup of coffee. This seems to relax him slightly as he takes a few sips. Deep in thought.

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