Chapter 21.

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I stared at the books that floated around Stella, with the help of her magic in slight annoyance because yet again we stood in the History of Magic Classroom and couldn't find a spell to make Cloud Tower visible again.

Stella ran around and flipped through the pages of the books to search for a counter spell, yet to no avail.

"Nothing here that explains how to make Cloud Tower visible again." Stella complained as her shoulders slumped in disappointment.

"It's okay Stella." I tried to calm her down but she looked more stressed than ever so Tecna decided to add to my reassurement. 

"I've spoken to Timmy about this." Tecna spoke up. "-Who's working to help us find a techno magic solution."

"About the book Tecna found in the Solaria library." I added, reminding Stella of our last mission, my lips curling up in victory when that grabbed her attention.

"But we can't just wait for something that may ha-." Stella got cut off by a magazine floating in front of her, her eyes sparkled at the sight of it. "Ooo, daring yet restrained, I like it, next!"

"Stella-" Bloom tried to interrupt but Stella paid no mind and just waved her off. 

"I just can't bear the thought of those Witches one upping us." Stella scoffed as she walked to a bookcase filled with books. "We need answers people, next!"

I winced when Stella threw a book away, the book hit the other books making them fly around rather aggressively while Stella continued complaining, not paying attention the slightest as we tried to seek cover.

"The books are out of control!" Layla exclaimed as she slightly backed away in shock.

"That's enough." I sighed and waved my hand, making the books drop to the ground with the help of my magic. 

Stella, just noticing what happened looked guilty. "I didn't mean to make the books upset."

Before we could say anything to Stella, a certain red haired Specialist walked in with a bright smile on his face.

"Hey Winx." Timmy greeted, looking rather excited. "I found a way to locate Cloud Tower."

"Go on!" Tecna grinned as we brightened at his words. 

"We need to use a spectrographic localizer." Timmy revealed as it was obvious while I deadpanned along with my friends, except for Tecna who knew what he was talking about.

"Of course!" Tecna snapped her fingers in realization. "Now why didn't I think of that?"

Flora flashed us a questioning look before turning to Tecna. "What's a spectrographic localizer?"

Tecna immediately grabbed her phone and pressed on a button, a green hologram hovering above her phone, showing an image of some kind of oval shaped device. "A spectrographic localizer is a device that can be used to analyze anything invisible to the human eye."

"There's just one minor issue." Timmy began, interrupting Tecna's explanation. "We need to find one and I have no idea where to start looking."

"Hmm." Tecna hummed in thought. "I bet my parents would know, they collect and build all types of techological appartuses.." She then looked at the ground with a soft smile. "-Plus a visit home would give you a chance to meet my mom and dad."

"What, me..?" Timmy gasped, pointing at himself with an unsure look on his face. "Me.. Meet your parents?"

"Aww." Tecna cooed. "Don't worry Timmy, I've calculated your chances of approval and they are 66.8 percent and rising."

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now