Chapter 19.

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My wings fluttered as I soared through the sky with the girls behind me, a weird feeling wrenching in my stomach.

When we arrived right in front of Cloud tower, we halted, I glanced at the girls to see if they're ready but yet even if they weren't, even if I wasn't ready, this was something that should still happen either way because the Magic Dimension is at stake.

"The moment we have been waiting for." I spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention, I snapped my fingers, summoning the key that could close the Legendarium for good in my hand. "With this key, we'll end the dangers of the Legendarium forever."

Flora laid a hand on my shoulder, a frown resting on her face as she stared at Cloud Tower. "Wait, something is off."

My attention snapped to Cloud Tower and I immediately knew what she felt, yes cloud tower has its negative energy, given it's a school for Witches but this time it was different and it proved my suspiscions when Cloud Tower suddenly disappeared, hearing a few shocked gasps from behind me.

"Cloud Tower.." Layla trailed off in shock before speaking up again. "Is gone!"

"Girls, wait a moment." I requested while closing my eyes, my hand shot to my head as I tried to sense Cloud Tower with my magic.

I still felt Cloud Tower's negative energy and it was close as if Cloud Tower wasn't transported somewhere else, coming to a conclusion, my eyes snapped open.

"Cloud Tower is still there, I can sense it." I explained, my eyebrows furrowing. "Cloud Tower didn't move, it's just invisible."

"It's more than invisible." Tecna muttered while grabbing her phone, a green hologram appearing when she clicked on a button. "Not even my identification magic can find it."

"Hmm.." Stella hummed while looking around in thought. "Am I the only one concerned that there's an entire college packed with Witches, run by the Trix and we can't see it."

"Stella is right isn't she?" Bloom frowned, probably feeling worried by what Stella said.

"She is." I nodded before coming up with a decision since we can't do much in this situation. "Let's head back to Alfea, it's too dangerous."



"You did the right thing coming back here." Lockette pointed out, we were currently in our dorm again, having arrived back and asking Daphne for her input on this whole situation. "But now you don't even know where the Legendarium is."

"Lockette don't make it worse!" Chatta scolded as the other Pixies nodded in agreement.

I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt before speaking up, a small smile resting on my face. "Don't worry we'll figure something out, like we always do."

Daphne smiled at that until it turned serious moments later. "We need all hands on deck, speaking of which.." She looked around, searching for a certain someone, frowning when she didn't spot her. "Where's Stella?"

I exchanged glances with Bloom, giggling as we knew what Stella was doing. "Just doing some boutique stuff, like she always does."

"Moving on." Musa cleared her throat to grab our attention but I didn't miss the amused smile playing on her face, making me unconsciously smile too. "What we need is an anti-invisibility spell."

"I know!" Stella spoke up as she entered the lounge room, dragging Brandon with her. "Let's look for one in the library of Solaria."

My eyes lit up, an excited grin now on my face. "Solaria?"

Stella smiled at that. "Mhm!"

"The biggest library in the entire Magic Dimension." Daphne crossed her arms, pursing her lips as she trailed off in thought. "But its access is reserved for the King."

"So how do you propose we get your father to give us access?" Layla questioned, curiosity and doubt evident in her eyes. "Last we checked he wasn't the most approachable man."

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang