Chapter 5.

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I leaned against the wall while my friends and I panted, completely exhausted because of how much we were running from the monsters.

I wasn't sure if choosing this pathway was a good idea after all, the wall I was leaning on, was a deadend that is blocking us from going any further.

"The PHA could only teleport us through the rock." Adan explained as he held up the pha. "But it only lasts for twenty seconds." 

"And what happens if we don't find an opening, and time runs out?" Stella asked, her eyebrows furrowing in concern not wanting to think for the worse.

"Basically, we'd be stuck inside the wall for all eternity." Adan drawled and he got deadpanned looks from us in return, wondering why he was so casual about it.

Stella shook her head in denial. "No way am I ending up as some Underrealm wallflower, not going to happen!"

"What if we found a spot where we knew for sure there was a tunnel on the other side?" I wondered out loud, turning to Adan.

"We'd have to be pretty certain." Adan retorted, his golden eyes meeting mine.

I turned towards Layla, since she would be our best bet in knowing if there was a tunnel on the other side. "You know these mountains the best, is there another tunnel nearby?"

"I'm not sure." Layla frowned, shaking her head. "But I think that if we went down the bottom of this chasm, we'd be on the other side of Shadowhaunt's main chamber."

"Then let's get down there." Sky prompted, speaking up for the first time. "Are you guys ready to go down there?"

Layla clenched her fists, determined to save the Pixies. "Hopefully, this will be the last time."

"Personally, I can't wait!" Stella smiled, sarcastically. "Nothing says good times like a sunless, monster ridden cavern."

Amusement twinkled in my eyes, unable to stop myself from smiling. "Good thing you got over your fear."

"Honestly!" Stella grinned, nudging me in a playful manner but when she looked down the mountain all the playfulness soon vanished. I followed her gaze and stopped myself from shivering at how steep it was.

"Stella, maybe you should stay here, since your powers seem to drain faster." Sky suggested, genuine concern written in his eyes.

Stella huffed at that. "Hello? We've got Pixies to save and the sooner we do that the sooner I can stop that pasty cave Queen from marrying my boyfriend."

"So how do we get down?" I asked, completely ignoring Stella's comment about a random Queen wanting to marry her boyfriend.

"Hang on." Layla smiled as she picked up a driftwood. "I think I found a faster way to get down there."

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