Chapter 17.

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I peacefully laid in my comfortable and fluffy bed, wearing my favorite pajamas, sleeping, until someone had to drag me out of my bed.

 I groaned as I landed on the cold hard floor. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to see the girls towering over me, I sent Bloom a half hearted glare when I realized that she was the one that dragged me out.

"Sorry [Name]." Bloom smiled sheepishly and helped me up but before I could even say anything Bloom started dragging me again, explaining to me about the dream she just had and about this Eye of Inspiration, that we had to find it.

"Bloom.." I sighed. "It's the middle of the night."

"I know!" Bloom said rather cheerfully, she dragged me out of the dorm until we arrived at the Magic Archive.

"The Magic Archive." Stella yawned. "Why are we here again?"

"It's our best source of information." Tecna said in a matter of fact tone.

"Okay Winx, let's find the Eye of Inspiration." Bloom grinned.

I stepped on one of the star shaped elevators and went up to one of the book shelves, I looked at all the books, dazed, still not awake enough to do anything.

"Tiger's eye?!"

"No." Bloom shook her head.

"Dragon's eye?"



"Eye to eye?"

"In your eye?"

Bloom sighed. "Nope."

I grabbed a book and read the title. "Deadeye?"

"Black eye?"

"Stink eye?"

"Eyeyiyiy." Flora sighed.

"Hairy eyeball?"

"Face it, there's nothing here." Stella pointed out as we gathered together, after not finding anything that had to do with the Eye of Inspiration.

"I can't believe it." Bloom frowned. 

"So now what?" Musa questioned.

"How are we going to stop Tritanus?" 


I leaned my head on my hand as I sat on a small staircase in the courtyard of Alfea, looking at the dark sky and the beautiful stars.

"Let's just go back to bed." Stella broke the silence. "We can figure it out in the morning."

"No!" Bloom protested. "Daphne said we had to hurry, to stop Tritanus before he gets the Pillars of Balance and Control."

"Which we don't even know where they are!" Musa argued.

"Because we can't find the Eye of Inspiration." I sighed.

"It's here somewhere!" Bloom exclaimed. 

Musa shook her head. "Bloom there's nothing about it in the archive."

"Nothing online either." Tecna informed as she typed on her device.

"Shining above and below, the Eye of Inspiration, it's impossible!" Stella laid down on the pillow she brought outside in defeat. "I give up."

"Well I don't give up!" I stood up and clenched my fist in determination.

"I'll never give up on a chance to defeat Tritanus." Layla agreed. "Sirenix Box!" There was a star shaped box in Layla's hands. "Guardian of Sirenix, please help us." A mermaid appeared in the center of the box. 

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