Chapter 22.

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The sun was shining upon us as we walked through the park with the Specialists, I was wearing a baby blue dress with light blue heeled boots. I slightly shivered, the weather was awfully chilly today.

Stella sneezed. "Girls, are you getting cold?"

"Yeah a little bit.." Flora admitted. "It's like there'a a winter wind blowing through."

"Come on guys, try to stay on topic." Tecna frowned. "We've got to come up with a name for the band." We sat down on a bench to think about our band name.

"You've got to have something fresh." Roxy commented.

"Yeah now that we have a real contract with a record label we can't just be called the Seven Winx Girls." Layla sighed.

"It has to be fresh but also something with edge.." Tecna trailed.

"How about Blonde Leading the Blondes?" Stella giggled.

"How about just keeping it simple, you know like the Winx Club band?" Musa suggested, all of us nodded in agreement and smiled at our new decided band name.

I shivered when I felt the same cold again, the girls went their separate ways through the park while I stood alone on guard, I felt another presence near, I stumbled back when the strong wind brushed past me, I walked back to the bench to grab my jacket when I suddenly felt a presence behind me, I turned around to see a familiar Warrior Fairy.

"Hello, Winx." A raspy voice spoke.

"Nebula?" I gasped, I stood protectively in front of Roxy who was trembling in fear. 

"I've come here to give you a message, not to fight, it comes from Morgana." Nebula informed. "If you don't bring the Wizards of the Black Circle to her then you will suffer the wrath of the Second Warrior Fairy, Aurora the Fairy of the North."

"You tell Morgana that her threats don't scare us!" Layla snapped.

"Her revenge is not being unleashed against you but against the humans of Earth." Nebula smirked.

Tecna her eyes widened in shock. "It's being unleashed.." 

"As in it has already started?" Musa questioned.

"That's right." Nebula confirmed, she summoned an orb to show us a image of Gardenia being turned into a ice city. "And only you can stop it."

"It's some kind of very powerful ice spell." Tecna observed.

"And it's spreading fast." I added.

"The Northen Seas have started to freeze and the ice will advance across the land until the whole planet is covered in one big glacier." Nebula grinned.

"Why don't you tell Morgana that we stopped her once and we will do it again!" I snapped

Nebula stepped back, caught of guard. "You have two choices, you either deliver the Wizards of the Black Circle or say goodbye to your beloved planet." With that Nebula disappeared.

"We need to find this Fairy of the North!" Sky exclaimed.

"Not we, us." I corrected. "We are the only ones that can stop Aurora."

"[Name]'s right." Musa agreed. "This is between us and the other Fairies."

"We knew that by portecting the Wizards we would bring on Morgana's wrath." I sighed. "Now, it's up to us to face her."

I felt a strong hand on my head, I looked up to meet Adan's concerned eyes. "Be careful, Blue."

"I'm always careful." I smiled.

Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now