Chapter 4.

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               ☾*✲⋆.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


The ship was thrashing around causing us all to stumble and chaos to occur, cries filling the whole ship and the soul reason of that chaos was the griffin. 

"Try to pull up!"

"I'll boost the power thrust!" Timmy exclaimed and then boosted the power thrust. "Alright go for it, Adan."

Adan tried to pull but to no avail. "The engine's not responding!"

"Try the emergency force field!" Tecna suggested the idea like the smart person she is.

"Good idea, Tecna!" Timmy praised her. "Maybe that'll shake the griffin loose!"

"We've got trouble!" Sky alerted. "The protective force fields are gone which means the ship's structure won't hold up much longer! Timmy open the hyper vales!" 

"Okay they're opening!" 

"This bird is even stronger than our hyper power!"

"Alright girls." I spoke up, grabbing their attention. "It's our turn, let's go get those griffins!" 

My aura glowed when I called upon my magic, preparing myself to head out in battle to defeat that bird.

"Enchantix!I felt myself rise up in the sky and my arms immediately started glowing; elbow length gloves covered them, beautiful sandal like straps went up from my feet and reached just under my knees. Sparkles surrounded my neck, creating my Fairy dust bottle. A big water bubble surrounded me and when it burst I was in my Fairy outfit. I twirled around until my huge sparkly wings formed on my back with accessories hanging on the tips of my wings. Ghidorah circled around me and that's when my transformation ended.

We all flew outside the open exit of the ship and headed out in the cold air. I shivered as the cold reached my skin and getting goosebumps in return but I paid no time, there was a more crucial matter at hand after all. 

"Hey bird! Get off our ship!" Bloom yelled out to get its attention and she succeeded. "Sphere of Fire!" Bloom's aura lit up a fiery color and she chanted her spell, a fireball shot out of her hands and when the spell hit the bird, causing an explosion and gray smoke to come out, the bird faltered.

But only for a second.

My eyes widened when three more birds were charging at us and I gritted my teeth in frustration. Great, exactly what we need right now.

"Birds tend to hate sudden loud noises!" Musa grinned and shot sound waves at the birds, sending them back when they suddenly decided to target the ship.

We changed our course flew after the ship but we were too late, the birds threw the ship and went back to targeting us again. 

"[Name], Bloom, careful!" Flora cried out in worry for us but Musa fluttered her wings faster and was quick to fly in front of us protectively all the while firing sound waves at the birds.

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