Chapter 14.

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It was early in the morning and the sun was shining, I was currently sitting on the couch with Roxy next to me, we were just relaxing and talking about all kinds of things.

"Do you think shorter hair would make me look older or more mysterious?" Musa questioned as she played with her hair.

"Are you kidding?" Stella scoffed, showing off her long silky hair. "Long glowing hair is where it's at if you ask me."

"Oh really?" Tecna faked offense. "Well thanks for the newsflash."

"Well that's just my opinion." Stella defended. "But no one rocks the pixie cut as well as you Tecna."

"Well Jason likes short hair and I'm thinking he might like me better with short hair." Musa gushed.

"Jason Queen the record producer?" Stella voiced. "Why so eager to impress?"

"Well he's already crazy about your music and isn't that what's most important to you?" I asked.

"You're right, [Name]." Musa sighed. "Jason has appreciated my talent from the start."

I noticed Roxy her lost face. "Don't worry you'll get used to it."

"Get used to it?" Roxy repeated. "I mean-"

"It's totally normal to doubt yourself." I assured. "Being a Fairy can be scary so just take it at a time."

"I can't help wondering what my future is going to be like." That was Roxy her vague response.

"Hey what's wrong Roxy? You can talk to us." Musa encouraged.

"Thanks guy it's just that I always thought that my future would be here in Gardenia." Roxy confessed. "But now well.. I know that I have some special powers and that's great but I also know that these powers might take me far away from here, away from the only home I've ever known."

"Roxy." I started as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You should be proud, after what you've been through you've achieved so much."

"I know and I didn't think I would get this far." Roxy admitted. "But-"

"This is your destiny." Bloom interrupted.

I suddenly heard a beeping noise from Tecna her computer, I turned around to see that there was an incoming call from Miss Faragonda, Tecna immediately accepted the call. 

"Good morning, girls." Miss Faragonda smiled. "Congratulations I'm so pleased with your mission but you still have more work to do."

"Convincing people that Fairies exist is a lot of work." Musa retorted. 

"I know it's difficult Musa but it's not impossible." Faragonda pointed out. "You all have to stay strong and work together it's the only way that Fairies will be able to return to Earth."

"Some people already believe in us, Miss Faragonda." I spoke up. 

"That's excellent." Miss Faragonda praised. "But you have to make everyone believe."

Tecna looked through the Book of Fairies. "There's still lots to learn about our Believix powers and the transformation levels."

"I'm sure you'll discover them slowly and surely and use them wisely, you may soon need them for your future missions." Miss Faragonda implied. "As for the White Circle, [Name]." She began as I started fidgeting with the White Circle that was placed around my finger. "It would be safer to keep it here at Alfea since Ogron and his Wizards might attack you again and try to seize it and this way I can study it, better understand all of its secrets." I placed the White Circle on the table and Faragonda used her magic to teleport the White Circle to her.

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