Chapter 3.

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               ☾*✲⋆.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


I held my gloved hand out for her to take, our fingers brushing until I managed to grab ahold of her hand but she soon slipped away and the rain that was pouring didn't help either. Feeling myself grow weaker as cold droplets fell onto my skin.

"Stella!" I cried and flew faster, trying to catch her but to no avail. "Girls, help me!" Bloom, Flora, Tecna and Musa flew out and casted a spell on us, using all of my strength, I grabbed Stella her hand again and my friends were soon to join my side, now forming a circle around Stella and landing safely on the ground.

I held my hand out, as droplets fell on my hand. "This rain is like anti magic."

"It weakened our spells and our strength." Tecna continued with a grim look. "But luckily we still had enough Winx left to save Stella."

"The way I look.." Stella sighed while gesturing to herself in clear disgust. "I'd probably be better off if you hadn't."

"We'll get you changed back Stella." Bloom assured her and Stella's expression softened.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around Stella, pulling her in a hug. "I think you look cuddly."

"Kind of like a cross between a frog and a bear." Flora agreed with me while smiling. "Or on second thought maybe a dragon."

Tears rolled down Stella's cheek and she pulled me closer. "I'm green, I'm hideous, and I've given a whole new meaning to the term bloated."

"It's a spell and spells can be broken Stel." I pointed out while pulling away from her.

Soon the boys were quick to approach us, looking back at us in clear worry and that was probably because of the big explosion we caused. "[Name], Bloom, Stella, are you guys alright?" 

"This is bad.." Stella groaned and hid behind a tree. "There is no way I can let Brandon see me like this!"

"We were worried about you, is everything alright Bloom?" Sky asked with furrowed eyebrows and I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Wow Sky." I drawled with crossed arms, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Thank you for asking us, we are fine."

Sky flashed me sheepish smile while Adan snickered behind him. "Sorry."

"We saw the explosions." Brandon continued, disregarding what we said completely. "What happened?" 

Tecna shrugged casually as if the situation wasn't crucial. "Fire spell back draft, no biggie."

"But up in the aviary the guards fired at Stella and knocked her off the roof!" Bloom added on, not knowing that this was exactly that we didn't want to mention. I nudged her and she giggled nervously, noticing her mistake.

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