I turned the shower off and grabbed a few of my things. "You need some dick or something?" I asked just to ask because where is this energy coming from?

"No I don't want you touching me at all. I need you to get out. That's what I need."

"Ayo Naomi. Chill out. Seriously." I turned around to face her and put my stuff down. "If I was talking to you like this, you'd think I was the meanest nigga on earth. You're being rude and disrespectful."

She was quiet as she looked at me. "Jayson-" she spoke then her bottom lip trembled before she covered her face and started crying. Deadass the girl started crying. Real tears.

Of course I hugged her and rubbed her back. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed and I'm exhausted." She got out. "I need some me time and I feel like I can't get it."

"You can baby. I'm leaving now. You take your bath and relax ok."

She nodded and let me go avoiding eye contact. She doesn't cry in front of me from sadness too often so when she does, I know it's serious.

I left the bathroom and let out a deep breath when the door was closed. "What the fuck just happened?" I said lowly to myself.

When I was done with my shower I came back to our room and laid down, after checking on my baby and making sure he was sound.

Naomi came out of the bathroom with her cute pajamas and her hair wrapped. I watched as she plugged her phone up and turned her lamp off before joining me.

"I'm sorry about that." She said after us laying in silence for a few minutes. "Instead of just telling you how I was feeling, I lashed out. That's not cool and I apologize."

"I accept your apology. You did hurt my feelings though."

"I know and I feel bad. Is there anything I can do for you?" She sat up a little.

"Nah not tonight. Get some sleep." I kissed her forehead. "Love you."

"Love you too."

She laid on her side facing in my direction while I laid on my back. There was an appropriate amount of space between us. Nothing alarming.

I'm laying here, relaxing. Well on my way to sleep when she spoke.


"Hm?" I mumbled.

"I'm late." She said clear as day.

I turned my head in her direction, not that I could see her clearly since it's dark but I can see her silhouette. "How late?" I asked.

"A week."

"You sure?"


"Ok well we can get a test tomorrow and see. Ok?" She nodded and I kissed her forehead again.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby."

I did a little a smirk to myself. I told her what I was going to do. Didn't I say Picasso?

"Take that dumb little smirk off your face." She mumbled.

"I don't know what you talking about." I said and laid on my side while laughing lowly.

Naomi's POV

"You're such a happy baby." I said to Chayse as I lotioned him down.

He started grabbing the hair products I had on the bed then babbling. I was zoned out just focused on getting him dress when I realized what was happening.

Shortie - Jayson TatumWhere stories live. Discover now