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"are you almost done yet?" i have asked that question for the fifth time now, and a deep sigh escaped seojun's lips.

"no, there's still thirty minutes left of my shift," he pointed to the clock that read 11:30 p.m.

"but since there's no customers right now... do you wanna talk about what happened earlier?" seojun left his spot behind the counter and took a few strides towards me.

as he sat down on the high chair next to me at the window table, i had a whiff of his perfume. it was a subtle but soothing smell that made me feel as if i were in a cozy room, wrapped in a blanket.

his presence is my safe place.

"it happened so randomly. i came home after dance practice and my sister's fiancé is also at the table eating. he asked where i went and i answered 'studying with suho,' then he asked if i was still with you and then my dad got all angry. naturally, i defended you and he became so enraged that he said a bunch of stupid and harsh things to me," i let it all out, and felt a weight off my shoulders.

despite having sharp eyes that can be intimidating when one doesn't know him, his gaze becomes all soft and caring when he's worried. he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and with his other hand, he caressed my hair in a gentle manner.

"i hate junghyun so much. he's such a nosy and inconsiderate guy for doing that. he knows my dad doesn't like you yet he just keeps instigating," i rested my head on seojun's broad shoulder and he said nothing.

he just continued stroking my hair, and it made me feel... calm. a few seconds ago, i was angry but now i'm just grateful to have him here with me. yet most people see him as a scary guy.

"sorry to hear that you're going through this because of me. it sucks to know that you'll be experiencing this with your dad as long as you're with me," seojun's voice mumbled as he looked at me apologetically.

"i don't care. i can live with that, but i can't live without you. it sounds really cheesy to say, but you feel like home to me," i blurted the last part and looked away to the window where cars cruised down the streets with their headlights on.

"i feel the same way about you, baby," he chuckled and pecked me on the forehead.

"how about we head back to my place for dinner? it's late," seojun stood up and went to the counter to retrieve the keys from the drawer.

"what about the rest of your shift?" i asked him, as he began to clean up the front counter and lock up the register.

"fuck that," and we quite literally just left.

seojun made quick instant ramen for dinner since it was already past midnight and i was getting kind of sleepy as well.

we were gonna invite gowoon to eat with us but apparently she had already gone to sleep. so instead we ate in the living room as quietly as we could. with a can of sprite each and some kimchi, it was a simple but enjoyable meal because i'm enjoying it with the person i love most.

then without talking, we cleaned up the table together and seojun washed the dishes while i wiped down the table and threw away the trash. he insisted that i go rest first so i changed a pair of gowoon's sweatpants and the smallest t-shirt i could find in his closet.

i sat on the living room sofa looking at his broad back that faced me while he cleaned the dishes. it was a simple chore but it looked so attractive to me because i couldn't help but feel like this would be a common sight if we were ever...

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