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I walk timidly into a brand new classroom, its walls covered with paintings that I assume were created by students. Art is my third period class, and much to my surprise, it's more of a club than an actual course. This is because the art teacher resigned from their job last year. Yuki told me at lunch that they quit because they couldn't keep their students under control. They're evidently a rowdy bunch.

So, it's no surprise when the Akatsuki trio——Deidara, Itachi and Hidan, strut into the classroom.

Deidara practically stops in his tracks when he notices my presence. Itachi, on the other hand, gives me a slight wave.

"Who the hell is this?!" Hidan exclaims, as though he's offended I'm here.

Deidara rolls his eyes at him.

"Quit shouting in my ear, Hidan," he demands, "That's Y/N. She's new in our grade. You didn't get the chance to meet her earlier cause you ditched homeroom, you idiot! Hm!"

Hidan approaches me, observing me from head to toe.

"Hello..." I squeak, uncomfortable as his eyes search me.

Without saying anything at all to me, Hidan faces his two friends.

"Can I use her in a ritual?" He asks, "I'll make it quick!"
I feel myself lose my breath out of pure fear at his words.

Itachi crosses his arms.

"No," he states matter-of-factly, "You cannot sacrifice her in one of your maniacal rituals."

Deidara nods in agreement and, surprisingly, throws an arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah, Itachi's right, as much as I hate to admit it," he sighs, "She's way too pretty to sacrifice."
I feel my heartbeat race as he utters this, looking me directly in the eyes.

He's the pretty one! Between those beautiful blue eyes and that long, golden hair...

"Isn't that right, love?" He whispers to me as he traces the side of my cheek with a gentle finger.

Just then, Itachi rips Deidara off of me, and I feel as though I can breathe again.

He literally took my breath away...

"Stop that," Itachi scolds, "Can't you see you're making her uncomfortable?"

I shake my head insistently.

"No, no, it's alright!" I promise, "I don't really mind that much, actually..."
Itachi glares at me as a stupid smile appears on Deidara's face.

"Don't encourage him," Itachi spits.

Hidan laughs obnoxiously.

"What the actual fuck..." He manages to utter in-between chuckles, "I never thought I'd see you two fighting over a bitch!"
Deidara slaps Hidan across the cheek as he says this, causing him to cease his laughter.

"Don't call her that!" He shouts, "Learn to keep your big, fugly mouth shut! Hm!"

Two large red hands erupt from Itachi's body as Deidara and Hidan lurch toward one another, preparing to fight. They restrain the two short-tempered boys.

That must be the Susano'o! I can't believe I'm seeing it in real life!

"Sorry," Itachi says to me, "This happens all the time, I assure you."

"Let go of me, damn you!" Hidan demands.

Reluctantly, Itachi sets them down in a not-so-gentle manner.

"Guys, shut up so we can get to work," he pleads, "Remember, each of us has to turn in an artwork every week or Principal L will abolish this class. Those were his stipulations if we were to take art without a teacher."
Deidara rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," he mutters, "I know. Fine. Let's partner up."
The blonde grabs my hand softly.

"Wanna be my partner?" He requests, hopeful.

I don't honestly care who my partner is, so long as it's not Hidan. I already can't stand him.

"Sure," I respond with a small smile.

Itachi crosses his arms out of disappointment.

"Fine, but next week, I get to be your partner, Y/N, alright?"
It looks like he doesn't want to be with Hidan either... Unless... he simply wants to be my partner too?
"Deal," I agree, much to Deidara's dismay.


Evidently, this week's art assignment is to create a piece based on your partner. So, I'm currently trying my best to paint Deidara, while he sculpts something representative of me using his tongue-hands' clay ability. I glance over at him, observing him for a split second before dipping my paintbrush into yellow paint and swiping it across the canvas in front of me.

When I look over at him a second time, our gazes meet for a short moment until I avert my eyes, heating up with humiliation.

"I don't mind if you stare at me, love," he remarks slyly, "Look all you want."
His words make me nearly drop my paintbrush.

How is he comfortable being so bold like this? He's the exact opposite of Yuki, or Giyuu. He just says whatever is on his mind without giving it a second thought.

"I was glancing at you for a reference," I clarify, "Nothing more."
I hear Itachi chuckle lightly from across the classroom.

"What's so funny, Uchiha?!" Deidara snaps, turning away from his clay for the first time in a while.

Itachi glares at him blankly.

"I think it's fairly obvious," he sighs, "Just focus on your art, Deidara. After all, it is supposed to be your specialty, correct?"

My blonde partner scoffs before acquiescing.

He and Itachi seem to have some sort of a rivalry going on. Even if they're in the same friend group, they don't seem to necessarily share a bond of friendship. It will be interesting to see how their relationship progresses as time goes on. As a matter of fact, I'm looking forward to it.

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