"oh god no, no she said yes. i just wish the others were happy for us. like Stiles, her brother got really pissed off so he caused a huge scene, made her storm off and she's been in a mood ever since." he let out a heavy sigh once he was done talking, leaning back,

Wayne nodded and huffed, "right... well son, people react in such different ways and you know... her brother would be protective — and even more so since Chief died. they'll make up before the wedding. people always do" he shrugged,

"he said he wasn't going to go to the wedding,"

"he will. i said that about your dads wedding, and i still ended up his best man... people say the wrong things sometimes. he'll apologise... trust me" he nudged his nephew "but on the bright side she said yes"

Eddie smiled bright "yeah... yeah she said yes. that's all that matters huh"

"of course." Wayne chuckled "now go on, get yourself to bed son, it's late"

"right, yeah" he sat up quickly, sitting the now empty beer bottle by the sink and turned to bow "night uncle wayne"


a couple days later Mia found herself walking into the practically empty Byers house, only a few half full boxes left scattered around the place. As she walked through the empty living room down towards the bedrooms all of her old memories came flooding back, making her smile just a little. She took a minute to let her smile momentarily fade before knocking on Joyce's bedroom door,

"come in," her voice was quite chirpy, and once Mia had opened the door she figured why, "oh Mia, it's you. look what i found in my closet," she ushered the younger girl over,

"what is it?"

"a photo album, it's got all sorts, look," Joyce flipped back to the front of the book, pointing her finger at quite an old looking picture of her and Hopper "this was our senior year of school. it's the year your dad met your mom, she was on a visiting schools cheer team...." she nodded with a smile "see how happy he is?"

Mia hummed in response as she sat on the bed, wanting a closer look, "yeah... yeah, he does look... really happy... and drunk" she chuckled,

Joyce rolled her eyes "well yeah, but that's the night he got your moms home number"

"right, so that's what started it huh? a home number?"

"hey, you wouldn't be here without that home number" the older woman tutted as she flipping through the pages again, now landing on another picture with her dad, but this time her mom was in it

"Jesus she doesn't look so bad in that picture" Mia said quickly, pulling the album closer,

"she wasn't how she is now yet. She hadn't fallen into any of her addictions... she was still happy, and just married"

"her dress is pretty...."

Joyce nodded "i helped her pick it out, and then she helped me pick mine..."

the two had been through most of the album before Mia felt like she wanted to pop, seeing all the pictures of Joyce's wedding and her parents wedding was killing her— she'd only agreed to be in the same house as Jonathan for a few hours so she could tell Joyce the good news, she just couldn't keep sitting, agreeing that the pictures where cute, or funny, or cool anymore...

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