55 | Monica... Again

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The next morning Eddie woke, as usual, way earlier than his girlfriend... keeping his morning ritual of absorbing her warmth and watching how her face turned and twisted as she dreamt, his face plastered with a smile, With her in his arms nothing could make him get up in the moment... nothing but the sound of his uncle and a... woman? Talking pretty loudly in the other room. He couldn't let their noise wake her, especially after the events of the night before...
So he gently shuffled her off of his chest and quietly crawled out of bed, grabbing a random pair of pants and a t-shirt, throwing them on quickly, still feeding his arm though as he let himself into the kitchen, instantly spotting a blonde woman and a red head woman sat on the couch opposite his uncle,

"Wayne...?" Eddie smirked smally, leaning against the kitchen island, "who's your friends?"

His statement made Wayne shake his head, "it's your girlfriends mom... actually..." he pointed to the blonde woman "and her girlfriend..."

"Girlfriend? I thought Mia was dating the Byers kid?" The blonde woman quickly spoke up,

"Don't you think if they were still together she'd be asleep in his bed, not mine?" Eddie replied bitterly, taking everything Mia had told him about her deadbeat mom to account,

"Eddie don't be rude... Jesus..." Wayne shook his head and slapped his knees as he stood, "I gotta head off to work, alright?"

"Yeah... okay see you later" Eddie sighed, waving his uncle out the door, being left alone with his girlfriends mom "what do you want?"

"That's none of your business..." the red head woman spoke, but Eddie instantly held his hand out to silence her,

"It is. Because when she wakes up and sees you," he pointed at Monica "sat here she's going to flip out, she doesn't want you near her... she doesn't want you in Hawkins!" He raised his voice slightly, but instantly lowered it for Mia's sake,

"Listen... kid... you don't know anything about me, ok? We've never met..." Monica shook her head,

"I know plenty"

"Yeah. Of what she's told you,"

Eddie sighed "I know that your a deadbeat drugged up bipolar who doesn't give a shit about her kids,"

Monica shook her head "just go wake up my daughter or I'll do it myself,"

He nodded "just because I want you gone..." he then spun on his heel and trod quietly into the bedroom,

"Who's here..." mias decrepit voice emerged from the sheets, she looked frail and small, making him frown down at her as he sat at the side of the bed,

"You tell me what you want to do okay? It's— your mom is here..."

The words that flew from his mouth made her jolt up, her hangover and aching body hitting her hard, making her whine "what the fuck.... Does she want?"

"Didn't say. Do you want me to tell her to get lost?"

"I'll do it," she groaned as she pulled herself to the end of the bed, managing to grab hold on a pair of shorts, slowly pulling them on and waddling off to the living room, stopping when she actually saw the blonde woman sat hand in hand with a redhead "who's your friend?" Her word mimicked Eddies previous ones,

"This is my girlfriend, Amelia."

"Girlfriend?" Mia spat, completely dumbfounded that her mom was a lesbian, "since when do you go up that lane?"

"You watch your mouth," Amelia warned as she stood, trying to tower herself above the younger girl, but Mia just stood her ground, no new expression,

"Yeah woah this is cute and all, but uh... I'm gonna go..." she quickly sniffled, all her confidence slipping away as she looked at her mom, shoving on an easy pair of shoes "you always knew how to pick 'em mom," she look the redhead up and down before grabbing Eddies arm, dragging him out of the trailer with her, she didn't exactly know why she was leaving her trailer to get away, but actually facing her was harder... Mia could hear her mom shouting after her,

"Mia," the older woman finally caught up, grasping her daughters shoulder, "come on, you didn't even give us a chance to talk,"

"Don't worry about it," Mia shook her head,

Monica sighed "I don't know where to start. How to explain."  Mia didn't know where to look, so her eyes where travelling the street, locking onto various different things, "I think about you all the time... there's so much I want to talk about, how are you... after your dad?"

She chuckled, eyes teary "it's not like you ever tried to stay... is it? Stiles and I... we needed you... but you decided to fuck off! As always! You never stay... never" she shook her head yet again, ridding herself of her mothers grasp, and turning towards Eddies van, climbing into the passenger seat, waiting for him to get into the drivers and take off to the motel stiles was staying at...


Why is she here?" Was the first words that left mias mouth as she walked into the motel room, pushing past her brother and instantly raiding the mini fridge, "how did she even find me anyway!"

"Well... she came to me first, and uh told me... she got a call to come and sort dads funeral..."

"What her and her fucking girlfriend I mean!" She exclaimed, downing one of the small shot bottles they stock "she has no right being here, he wouldn't want her anywhere near his funeral let alone planning it!"

"We're going to have to just deal with it alright? There's no getting rid of her... you know that!"

"Then I'm not going to the funeral." She boldly announced, making Eddie turn quickly to her

"Whoa... no, no... you have to go to your dad's funeral. Just avoid your mom... it'll be easy" he exclaimed, shaking his head "I know he didn't like me very much... but I am not going to let him down by letting you miss it ok?"

"Eddie I can't handle being with her..." she sighed, turning to both boys stood in front of her "she really pisses me off"

Stiles huffed "she pisses you off? She walked in here, all happy and just picked Liam up! No word spoken, she just grabbed him! How the fuck do you think that made me feel, don't make it about you."

"I don't make it about me... I hate making it about me! I just don't want to see her anymore than I have to"

Eddie shrugged "fine okay then how about the last time you see her is at the funeral, there's two days until it right?" He questioned, earning nods "right so... I got a call when I was changing before Billy's yesterday, all the parts for the car have gotten to the garage, we could work on it, take your mind off her, then go pay your respects to hopper, and boom forget about it"

"What if she doesn't leave?"

"Then you keep ignoring her Princess. She can't force you to talk to her" Eddie smiled as he sat next to her, his arms wrapping around her, "okay? Your just going to have to live with it for now..."

"... okay... we'll try that then" she huffed leaning her entire body weight onto him, "do you think they've gone?"

"I really hope so... I want to go back to bed" eddie chuckled, slowly standing with her and walking her towards the door, stiles slightly following them,

"Keep me updated alright? You've got the walkie... like let me know if she tries involving herself again..." Mia spun to tell her brother, arms still gripping to Eddies,

"Of course," stiles replied, waving them towards the door, "see you later alright?"

Mia sent a quick nod as she walked off with Eddie, hopping back into the van and letting Eddie speed back to the trailer...

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