25 | 'Never Again'

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With hoppers words the house instantly remerged into chaos, Jonathan ran into his room and grabbed his boombox, taking 'should I stay or should I go' with him down to the shed. Mike, Hopper and Joyce followed him down, while Mia stayed in the house, everyone surrounding her has she listened to the Morse Code her dad was sending through the walkie talkie.

"Dash, dot, dash, dot..." Dustin repeated, writing on his own sheet of paper as Mia tried remembering what her dad had taught her so many years ago,

"C" She mumbled, more to herself, but everyone heard her as she wrote it just under the first part, "L" ... "O" ... "S" ... "E" everyone chipping in by using pamphlets made them get it much faster "G" ... "A" ... "T" ... "E" They heard the music stop from the bottom of the garden and hopper had stopped pressing the walkie, so they all gathered around Mia who was holding up her sheet of paper,

"Close Gate" They all read just as the phone rang, making them jump,

"Shit, shit" Dustin huffed running up to the phone and slamming it down on the receiver, hoping to god Will didn't hear it, But as they went go go back to the table it rang again. Nancy threw it off the wall, leaving the phone in pieces on the ground,

"Do you think he heard that?" Max asked,

"It's just a phone. it could be anywhere. right?" Steve shrugged. The house fell silent again, but it was soon broken by loud growling in the distance,

"That's not good" Dustin stated, everyone stood behind him as they faced the front door. Hopper had rushed the gang from the shed back into the house,

"Hey. Hey, get away from the windows!" He demanded stomping into the living room with two guns, "Do you know how to use this?" he asked Jonathan,

"What?" He stammered back, having just placed Will down,

"Can you use this?" He pushed the gun towards the trembling boy just as his daughter snatched it from hand, holding it against her as if it where second nature,

"I can" she sighed, Lining her aim for the door as Hopper pointed for the windows,

"Where are they?" Max questioned from behind Lucas. No one answered her as Mia, Hopper and Steve took a step in front of everyone, each of them holding a hand out to block anyone else from moving- Steve twirling his bat around. Growling came from the side of the house, making everyone quickly turn,

"What are they doing?" Nancy asked, her breathing heavy. More snarling came from the front, causing them to whip around again. The noises it made sounded different, as if it was in pain. But then it came to a abrupt stop. It was eerily quiet for a moment before something came crashing through the now broken window, guns and weapons followed it as the demo dog slammed against the couch, they stood there, wating for it to move... but it never did...

"Holy shit..."

"Is it dead?"

Hopper slowly approached it and kicked it once he was close enough, it's head flopping around lifelessly as he did. they let out relaxed sighs, but their breaths all hitched when the door creaked, sending them all spinning around to face the noise again, quickly it unlocked itself, making them all raise their weapons in panic. The chain slid off the door as it opened widely, everyone dropped their weapons as if they where in slow motion as they locked eyes on the familiar face. Mike was the first to step out of the group, making his away around Hoppers shield of a body and stopping a few feet in front of everyone, they both starred at each other for a second,

"Eleven" Mike sighed as they both took slow steps towards each other, closing the gap with a huge hug,

"Mike," she gasped as they both started to cry in each others arms,

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