18 | Polliwog

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Mia woke up the next morning with Jonathans arms wrapped loosely around her, she laid there for a while, trying to think back and as she did a pit of anger bubbled inside of her as she started remembering bits from last night, but the one thing she remembered clearly was him ditching her. Even though she was hungover and her head was pounding the thought of him with Nancy drove her to crawl out of his presence and sneak out the back door, not wanting to wake anyone up and have them see her in such state.
She walked slowly through the woods towards her trailer, climbing through her bedroom window when she got there, not wanting to get confronted. the second she'd managed to stuff her self in she flopped onto her bed, taking in one big sigh,

"Mia! do you copy? over!" Dustin's high pitched squeal coming from the radio on her dresser caused her to cover her ears "Mia.... Mia.... Mia... just know im not going to stop until you pick up! miamiamiamiamiamiamiamia"

Her face boiled up as she stood and stomped towards it, roughly pushing down the button, causing that horrible static noise before he let go "What the hell do you want, its 7 am Henderson"

"Hungover? Over"

"You can tell?" She groaned, flopping back onto the bed,

"Your snappy, but your not that snappy when you haven't drank... did you go to that party? Over"

"Jesus what are you my dad? why did you call?"

"We need you to meet us in the AV room after school today," He sighed, "and could you please say over! Over"

"What-- which AV room? and why do you need me?.... Over"

"The one at Hawkins high... and- well everybody thinks its dangerous and we just-- we need your opinion... we're trying to figure out what it is... over"

"Fine, I'll see you there ok? Over"

"Thank you!! Over"

"Yeah, yeah what ever now get lost" she lightly chuckled as she turned the radio off, laying it next to her as she slowly shut her eyes, ready for sleep to consume her, but Stiles just happened to run in and throw some clean clothes at her, almost forcing her to get changed right there so they wouldn't be late.
By the time she'd gotten to school her head was absolutely pounding, and it didn't help that she had every single class with Eddie that day,

"Hey princess, you look like shit" Eddie laughed as he pulled out the seat next to him for her to sit, letting her lay her head tiredly onto his shoulder for a second before she flopped it into her folded arms,

"thanks..." she groaned,

"Did... he come back last night?"

"What?" She turned her head slightly, looking up at him through basically closed eyes,

"Jonathan, did he come home?"

"Oh, uh yeah.... Not long after you dropped me off I don't think- ugh i don't know Ed, most of last night was practically a blur"

He shot her a sarcastic frown "I thought you could handle your drink?"

"Pft! That punch? That was nothing, it was practically water!..." she scoffed, struggling to even lift her head to talk,

"Right right... of course" he nodded a small smile playing with his lips as he leant back in his seat. He stayed silent for a second before clearing his throat making her look back at him "so I came to the party"


"Mhm... and you... said you'd come and show hellfire what a woman is, and since it's Thursday...?"

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