22 | Farrah Fawcett hairspray

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Early the next morning Steve, Dustin and Mia where pulling buckets of raw meat and gasoline out of the trunk of Steve's car, all three of them wearing yellow washing up gloves,

"Well, well, well... look who it is" Dustin mused as he walked away from the two older teens,

Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the boy "Who's he talking to?" he asked Mia

"One of the boys I guess? that headphone and mic... its connected to his radio... it's pretty cool"

"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, He escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon" "I'll explain later. Just meet Me, Mia and Steve at the old junkyard." "And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket"

"All right, Let's go" Steve groaned as he shut the trunk and slung his backpack- with the bat- over his shoulder before picking up a bucket of meat and walking towards the old tracks. Mia grabbed her bucket and followed him as Dustin hung behind a little,

"Just be there, Stat. Over and out"

Mia had started to slip into her own thoughts as she walked ahead of them. So many different feelings and scenarios swirled around, it felt like she'd trapped herself in her own mental prison, thick, thick bars keeping her in. Thankfully before things got too deep something snapped her out of her awful trance and she caught the murmurs of the conversation Steve and Dustin where having quite a few feet behind her. She came to a stop, and waited for them to catch up before she started walking again, this time hearing every word.

"The key with girls is just... just acting like you don't care." Steve said, making Mia very dramatically roll her eyes,

"Even if you do?"

"yeah, exactly. it drives them nuts"

"Then what?"

"You just wait until, uh... until you can feel it"

"Feel what?"

Steve sighed "It's like before its gonna storm, you know? You cant see it, but you can feel it. Like this, uh , Electricity? You know?"

"Oh, like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere--"

"No no no no no. Like a... like a sexual electricity"

"Woah!! Dingus! Don't fucking drill the poor child's brain with your strange teenage boy hormones! god!" Mia scoffed as she launched a huge chunk of meat at him, he dodged it effortlessly and spun lightly to laugh at her,

"Come on! you heard him, he was asking for my expert advice!" He defended, still dodging as more pieces of raw meat flew at him

"Oh yeah.. yeah I'm Steve Harrington and all i have to do i flip my fucking hair towards a girl and she falls in love!!" She mocked, trying to deepen her voice before she turned to Dustin "If you listen to his advice, you might as well forget it. What is it you want to do, impress a girl?" She asked, he nodded "Ok! so you got to play around with your abilities- strengths... try and maybe find something your both interested in or try and get her into something you love. Start to remember things about her, learn things, like... does she like cats or dogs, what's her favourite food. What music she's into, and if she prefers vinyl's or cassettes- or maybe she doesn't like music at all? The thing is, you need to take it step by step... slowly. Try maybe being friends first, then date... Like Jonathan and I, we've been friends since we were four, and now... you know we are together- I think its easier? because then either side knows pretty much everything about one an other, no secrets." Steve took in every word she spoke, he was mesmerized by her, how she found the way to explain things.

"I guess your right and I suppose you are a girl so you should know what girls want" He nodded to himself, watching the ground as he walked "So... after all that, when do i kiss her?" Mia shook her head and groaned as Steve laughed,

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Romeo."


Steve took over the 'relationship talk' once again "Sure, okay, some girls, yeah, they want you to be aggressive. You know, strong, hot and heavy, like a... I don't know, like a lion"

"A lion Steve, really?" She questioned,

he shrugged and carried on, as if she hadn't said a word "But others, you gotta be slow, you gotta be stealthy, like a... like a ninja"

"What type is Nancy?"

It felt like Mia's ears pricked up at the mention of her name, she wanted to know what Steve had to say about her,

"Nancy's different. She's different than other girls"

Dustin nodded "Yeah, she seems pretty special, i guess"

"Yeah. Yeah, she is" Steve shrugged a little, sniffling due to the cold,

"But this girls special, too, you know. It's just like, something about her" A small smile appeared on her face as she listened to the young boy awe over a girl,

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. hey, hey, hey." steve stopped the two of them,


"You're not falling in love with this girl, are you?" Steve asked, sounding concerned,

"Uh, no. No"

"Ok good. Don't"

"I wont"

"She's only going to break your heart and you're way too young for that shit"

"Exactly" Mia nodded, slightly agreeing with him "Or you'll break her heart..."

A cold silence settled between the three as they carried on plopping pieces of meat down on the track,

"Fabergé" Steve blurted out, making the two share a look of confusion,

"what?" Dustin asked lowly,

"Yeah, what?" Mia added,

"It's Fabergé organics. use the shampoo and conditioner, and when your hair's damp... It's not wet, okay? When it's damp... You do four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett spray"

"Fuck off... Farrah Fawcett spray?" She questioned, trying to hold back a laugh

"Yeah, Farrah Fawcett. You tell anyone i just told you that and your ass is grass. You're dead henderson. Do you understand?" He threatened Dustin, Mia made no attempts in stopping the borderline abuse since she was about to burst into a fit of laughter at any second. Steve turned to her and pointed his meat covered, gloved hand at her "As for you, You better not tell anyone either... or-- well... yeah or your dead too!"

She did a fake frown to supress her laugh "Ok stevie... i wont tell a soul" She mocked, before leaning up to his ear "I always thought you smelt like a girl Harrington" She whispered, earning herself a light hearted smack,

"Fuck off Hopper"

Dustin mused before he piped up "Farrah Fawcett, really?"

"I mean she's hot!" Steve defended, Finally his words cracked the two, making them burst into their much needed fit of laughs...

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