4 | The Search

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"Ok where are we going first? out into town, Castle Byers, around the Wheelers?" Mia asked, nerves flowing throughout her whole body as she shakily put the leash around Chester's neck, hopefully he could help...

Jonathan looked over at his mom, she'd only just gotten back from the Police station. Her poor head was all over the place, and the teenagers weren't really helping with their mixed emotions. The boy shrugged, "Well Castle Byers is closer so it's easier to try there first, right mom?"

"Yeah..." she nodded, not saying another word as she walked ahead of them. Mia started to drift the side closer to her house, shouting for will every other step as Jonathan did the same on the other side of his Mom, their nerves grew as they approached the little wood den Will had built. Joyce ran to the curtain, pulling it open hastily, he wasn't there.



"Will buddy where are you?" Mia whined as she lowered her voice, she felt so helpless, where ever the poor boys hiding, he must be so scared.

the three didn't stop yelling for what felt like an eternity, but they needed to get home, Joyce didn't want to loose her other son, her dog or Mia that night. the second they stepped inside the phone started ringing,

"Hello? hello?? Will baby is that you?" Joyce shakily asked, "Oh hop, uh yeah she's here with us... send her home? sure yeah... I'll get Jonathan to drive her over now, yeah, yeah bye" she turned to the two "That was your dad, wants you home, Jon, could you drive her?"

"I-I can walk her?" He shrugged,

"No, i don't want you going missing, your safer in a car"

Jonathan nodded and walked ahead of his friend, knocking her shoulder gently making her drop the leash she'd been holding on firmly to for the past few hours, before leading her into his car and driving the very short route back hers. Turned in her seat to face him,

"If no one finds him tonight... we'll make posters, plaster the town in them ok? we will find him." she assured, watching his hands play with the bottom of the steering wheel,

He nodded gently "o-ok"

Mia sighed "if there's no sign of him, just come straight here in the morning... don't do it by yourself, ok?"

"Yeah... thanks Mia..."

"Your welcome." she nodded, leaning over the centre console and hugging his side before getting out slowly and walking into the trailer. The second that front door closed she broke down, falling to the floor with sobs.

"Mi?" Stiles questioned, slowly approaching from the couch, "What's wrong?"

"It's my fault... t-that Wills gone missing...if I didn't go out w-with Rose I would o-of been at their house I-i would of known that he hadn't c-come home... and maybe could of stopped what's happened from happening" She cried as he picked her up, walking her to the couch and just hugging her,

"That's the last thing you want to be doing, blaming yourself..." he sighed, "Because it isn't your fault, you are not his babysitter, your not his sister, your his brothers girlfriend-- friend what ever the fuck you are to him... and i know you get along with Will and his friends but you cant blame yourself" he lectured, letting her go with a sigh "look, this is meant to be your Christmas present from me but i might as well give it to you now... might cheer you up" he ran off to the bedroom and grabbed a decent sized box shoving it in her lap once he got into the living room "go ahead, open it"

She furrowed her eyebrows as she unwrapped it, under the paper was a brand new Sony Walkman wm-11, "oh my god! Stiles how did you get this?"

"Saved up, like every last penny I had, dad helped a little... we thought it would be nice for you... since you listen on the records most the time... uh" he grabbed the headphones from the wrapping paper and showed her how everything worked, "I got you a bunch of blanc cassettes.... And uh loads of queen ones, and the other songs you like, I got Byers.... The kids and Harrington to help me pick them all" he shrugged

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