8 | Thing In The Picture

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"Why are you the one doing this Jon?" Mia asked as the two got out the car in front of the funeral directors,

"Mom doesn't think he's actually dead... and I'm- I'm not letting him be in that freezer any longer than he has to"

A man appeared at the door as they walked up the steps "You must be Jonathan Byers," Jonathan nodded "I am so sorry for your loss"

"It- it's fine..." he sighed, his hand yet again finding Mia's. She was warming up to the idea of holding his hand, she didn't protest and laugh at him as she would of, she just let it happen.

Slowly but surely the man was showing the two the selection of coffins, how much they were, what kind of details and fabrics were a part of them. To be honest she didn't really get it, why is it needed to have these fancy coffins, with all these comfy beddings for someone who's dead, they aren't going to care what ply the pillow is, or what kind of wood it's made out of. It's a box, going into the ground that no one is going to see again. It's ridiculous.

As they were moving on to another coffin Mia spotted Nancy stood at the door and brought Jonathan's attention to her, he looked between everyone,

"Can you just give us a second?" He stammered as he started to walk towards her, dragging Mia along with him, they stopped right in front of her "hey,"

"Hey... your mom, um, she said you'd be here" Nancy started, "I just- can we talk, for a second?"

Mia nodded and went to leave the two of them, and walk back into the room filled with coffins, but Jonathan grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him, "stay... please" he whispered as he followed Nancy to the chairs lined up in the hallway.
The three of them sat down, and the second they did Nancy pulled out one of Jonathan's pictures Steve had ripped up, but it was all taped together,

"What do you think that is?" She handed him the paper and pointed to the far right side, there was a long smudge like thing just there,

He inspected it a little before speaking "it looks like it could be some kind of perspective distortion. But I wasn't using the wide angle. I don't know. It's weird" he handed it back to her once Mia had agreed on the same outcome,

"And you're sure you didn't see anyone else out there?"

"No. And she was there one second and then, um... gone. I figured she bolted"

Mia furrowed her eyebrows, "who? Barb?"

"Yeah, she went missing during the party Nancy was at, this picture I uh, I took it before she just disappeared... I think... I mean it looks like it" he filled her in,

"The cops think she ran away, but they don't know barb. And I went back to Steve's... and I thought I... saw something. Some... weird man or... I don't know what it was." Both girls looked up at Jonathan's face, seeing some odd look "I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't of come here today, I'm so sorry" Nancy went to leave but Jonathan sprung up,

"What did he look like?" He asked

"What?" Nancy turned, but the worry in Jonathan's voice suddenly made something click in Mia's head,

"This man you saw in the woods, what did he look like?"

She shrugged and stammered "I don't know. It was almost like he... he didn't have—"

"Didn't have a face?" Mia asked lowly looking at the girl stood a few feet away,

"How did you know that?"

They all looked at each other, as if they'd just figured everything out, their faces had even lit up. So the two girls ran to his car as he apologised for leaving so abruptly, before quickly jumping in, and driving straight to school.
All three of them by passed the stares they got as they ran through the school into the dark room and locked the door behind them. Jonathan hadn't even taken a second to breathe before Mia had started developing a new picture,

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