63 | The Byers

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the drive back to Hawkins was horrible. they didn't break the journey up over days like they did on the drive there, they only stopped to grab bites to eat and gas. Mia didn't want to spend another second around stiles, and she was trying to make it her mission to get back to Hawkins before it hit two days.
Eddie and Steve had offered to take the wheel about seven times each by the time they had gotten to Colorado, but she knew they'd take it easy, they'd drive calmly, happily. all she wanted was to go home.

They made it back to Hawkins after driving almost non stop for 31 hours, Mia was exhausted as she pulled up outside Steve's place, dropping him, Stiles and robin off there before going to drive to the trailer park, but as she tried to drive off... nothing was happening,

"Princess... you turned the car off... it won't go anywhere" Eddie lightly chuckled with furrowed brows,

"i know! i was just... stretching!" she scoffed at him, yawning,

"come on, switch with me..." he patted her knee as he went to get out,

"no i'm fine to drive the rest!" she yawned again, almost making herself fall asleep,

eddie rolled his eyes as he actually got out and rounded the car, getting to her side to pull her out "come on, it's a 11 minute drive... just let me my love"

"it's my—- car..." she practically slurred, taking a break from concentrating really took all the energy she had left out of her,

"Mia..." he sang, "come on darling, here... give me your hand," he reached one hand into the car to grab her right hand of the steering wheel, she didn't put up a fight, only grabbed his forearm tightly as he started moving her out. the more of her body that fell out, the higher her arms wrapped around him, until they were tightly secured around his neck, giving him full power to just lift her out and carry her, "there you go... come on, i need to get you to bed" Eddie chuckled carrying her around the car to the passengers side, slipping her in gently. as he buckled her in he heard steve's front door open, making him shoot up,

"you're still here?" Stiles sighed, walking slowly to his jeep, "she okay?" he asked, nodding to the car,

"she can't keep driving. we where swapping.... but she was determined to be... well be mia. she's fine now... pretty sure she knocked out." Eddie shrugged, walking again around the car to get into the driver side,

"tell her i'm sorry,"

the metal head sat in the camaro shook his head just before he shut the door, "you tell her yourself. i'm not getting involved man. she'll kill me" and with those words Eddie was driving at a careful speed to the trailer park, trying his best to avoid potholes so she wouldn't wake...

once at the trailer park Eddie was given the usual dirty look as he got out the car, his neighbours hating the loud rumbling sound it made... and almost always late at night— though he mainly ignored them, sending a few of them looks back as he grabbed his sleeping fiancé from the seat, making sure she was comfortably laid in his arms before he locked up the car and took her inside. he sent a quite wave to Wayne as he walked through the door, letting him know she was asleep so he wouldn't make a noise while he carried her through the trailer. His room was cold, having had no one in it for a week causing him to shiver slightly as he was putting Mia to bed. he made sure she was laying in a comfortable position before he left her, carefully tiptoeing back out to the living room,

"hey," he finally spoke to Wayne as he grabbed a beer from the fridge, cracking it open and sitting on the couch,

Wayne nodded a smile "did you have a nice time?"

"yeah it was great.... until it wasn't" eddie shrugged, his uncle turned his head fully away from the tv, eyes slightly buggy,

"she didn't say no did she?" he asked,

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