3 | The Vanishing Of Will Byers

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"Morning dad" Mia yawned as she stepped out of her room, heading to the kitchen to grab some left over KFC from the night before.

"Hey kiddo, sleep well?" he asked, fastening his belt around his waist,

"well, could of been better..." She sighed, thinking back to the comfort of Jonathans bed. She sat herself opposite him at the dining table, just waiting for Stiles to wake up.

Jim sighed, and stood, "Go get yourself ready, i don't think he'll be up anytime soon, ill take you to school"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm late to work everyday, why not be late with a reason for once" he chuckled, waving his arms, signalling for her to go grab some clothes. The night before she had left the clothes she was wearing in the bathroom, so she just changed back into them, as to not wake Stiles up and get the nearest available thing thrown at her. Once she was dressed she grabbed her backpack and hopped into her dads truck and wating a few minutes for him to join her, the first few seconds of the ride was some what awkward as they thought of something to say, but of course when they both had an idea they said it at the same time,

"No no, you go" Jim sighed, making his daughter state her question.

"Do you mind if i go and stay at the Byers again tonight? In a way i sort of promised will i would..." she fidgeted with the frayed hem of Jonathans shirt, waiting an answer,

"well I don't see why not? as long as there isn't any funny business ill be fine with it"

the second that sentence left her dad mouth she threw her hand up to collide with her forehead "even if there was the very minuscule chance of that happening - which there isn't!, Joyce will be there"

he slapped his hand down on his thigh as he pulled the car to a stop, "well then, even more reason for me to trust you to go!"

she chuckled slightly and shook her head "Ok, thanks dad... I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"see you tomorrow Hun" he quickly pulled her into his side before she stepped out of the car and walked slowly towards the doors,


Later that day, after all the classes were over Mia was sat on the hood of jonathans car, waiting for him to get out of his Photography class- which dragged on just after 3. she didn't have anything to occupy herself with, so she started drawing her finger across the rust lines that ran all over the car,

"W-what are you doing?" Jonathan voice startled her, making her jump up from her slouched position.

when she looked at him properly she could see a tinge of sadness in his eyes, "What's up byers?"

"My camera just exploded," he sighed and handed it to the girl, it was boiling to the touch and the lens was all fogged up,

"Shit, that's terrible... i cant- how did it happen?"

"Not sure, overheated maybe? now I don't know what to do.... I needed that for the next few weeks. I-I-I've got an assignment due"

she sighed, "I have mine back at dads trailer, we can go and get it, give it a test run see if you like it... then if you do, you can keep it"

"Are you sure?" he asked, walking around to get into the drivers side, as she hopped into the passenger

"Oh defiantly, you'll get more use out of it than me" she shrugged smiling over at him

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