57 | 'Operation Find Mia'

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1 day and 2 nights later, Mia was still roaming the streets of Chicago and she was a mess, her hair was knotted, her clothes covered in alcohol and vomit and she hadn't been a minute sober since she got there. She couldn't remember anything, she didn't know where she was...


"Still no sign of Mia?" Gareth asked as Eddie threw himself in his seat at hellfire, his hair a mess, his clothes completely miss matched, and he was walking like a zombie, clearly not had much sleep,

"No Gareth, because is we'd found her she would be here right now, kicking your sorry ass okay!? I still don't know where she is!" Eddie snapped, clutching his own t-shirt to stop him freaking out,

"Have you looked everywhere in Hawkins?" Jeff questioned,

"Of course i have! I'm not stupid! She isn't here! That is why that Joyce Byers woman is out of town... she's headed into Indianapolis with Stiles..."

"And your here.... playing dnd... why aren't you looking for her?"

"What? i-its campaign night... And i had no hope.. so..."

"Eddie, she is the only girl we've ever seen you actually love, you are so utterly obsessed with her it's insane man... and you know last time she went missing you didn't stop looking for her... and you haven't this time. So your fucked if you think we're going to let you sit here and play fucking dnd, alright? So why don't you go, I don't know, up to Burns harbour? or somewhere in Illinois? I mean is she's left to get away from her mom right? and I don't think she'd go somewhere as close as Indianapolis" Gareth shrugged, "I could go with you?"

Eddie sat, thinking about every word he just spoke before springing up and rushing towards the door quickly stopping and spinning, pointing a finger at the boys, "You can stay... i know exactly who to take..." He then sighed, turning back around to rush out to his van and drive full speed down the winding Hawkins roads until he reached a certain mansion like house with a big red door which he was now powering towards, fist balled, ready to knock,

"Woah calm down with the pounding man, what's up?" Steve held his arms up as he stood in the doorway, looking intensely at the distressed metalhead in front of him,

"We need to go look for Mia... i don't think she's in the state... Stiles and Joyce are wasting their time going to Indianapolis. Since you know you claim to know her so well I thought you should come!" Eddie sighed, waiting for a reply,

Steve nodded "So what? Do you really think she had enough money on her so she could leave the state?" He questioned, leaning down slightly to pick up a pair of his shoes,

"I don't know man, it's just— one of the guys from Hellfire said she could of, and she hates Monica so much I think she'd do anything to be as far as she possibly could from her,"

Steve nodded "she and Robin always talk about how they want to go out partying in this one part of Illinois.... I just uh... I can't remember" he sighed, now reaching over for the keys to his bmw ushering Eddie to join him in it, surprisingly there was no arguing, he just followed Steve, letting him drive him own car,

"Let's go find Buckley then," Eddie broke the silence as they got a few miles away from his house, "where does she live?"

"It is this way... I was headed there."


And with that Steve made his way to robins, only stopping messily outside so she could clamber into the back before started driving again,

"So... where do you and Mia want to go out partying?" Eddie asked, looking over his shoulder at her,

"South side Chicago, apparently she's got some friends down there and I have always wanted to go there... maybe no to the south side but definitely to Chicago. Do you think she ran off to there? I guess it would make sense, your not driving the whole way are you Steve? It's a long way..."

"Okay well... south side is like what four hours maybe more... depending on how well munson can read a map"

"Yeah fuck you Harrington... isn't it just the freeway the whole way?"

"No... no I don't think it is alright? Just read the map so we can find you girlfriend" he sighed pressing his hand against his forehead,

"Yes. Please, let's just find her..."

"Operation find Mia?" Robin suggested, causing both boys faces to scrunch up before cracking a small laugh,

"Yeah, operation find mia," Steve nodded,

"Fuck it, what ever... operation find Mia" Eddie added, the sentence already been shared too much.... The three of them already making each other senile before leaving Hawkins...

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