Chapter 2

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Patch's P.O.V- "You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I was livid and confused, but I really wanted to strangle someone, more so the "man" standing before me. I whirled around to face my family, ready to start accusing anyone of what I'm hoping, is a sick joke. But no one looked at me, except for my mother, who was fidgeting with her hands. Looking back, Chauncey continued to smirk at him with cold, gray eyes. I was ready to punch his face in, cut his smirk off, make him eat the skin and... "I know this is a shock, but you need to listen and not freak out" my mother said, breaking me out of my morbid thought process. I gaped at her, anger blazing behind my eyes. "Patch, you need to understand the situation, so, please, just listen to me." Oh, I was going to listen all right! And then, once I got my answers, I was going to put Chauncey back into the ground where he belongs.

"Chauncey was revived after his our families magic; by me." It was the first time in my life I ever wanted to fight my mother. "Excuse me?!" I screamed at her. "You brought him back to life? Why in the Hell would you even think to do that?!" I was screaming at this point, not caring in the slightest that I was disrespecting my mother, again. "It seems you forget the rules of magic; I did it because he deserves a second chance. But it doesn't matter, the point is our magic revived an immortal and you know what that means." The full force of her words hit me like a flood. "Oh, fuck no! I don't give a fuck who brought him back, he deserves to stay dead, and I sure as hell will not be responsible for him! Not again!" I was seething to the point I swore I could feel my blood boiling.

"Well regardless of what you feel, my son, it changes nothing! My magic has brought him back; therefore, he is under the protection of our family! And whether you like it or not, you will find a way to scrap some civility towards him!" My mother was calm in demeanor, but rage and annoyance filled her eyes. I got the look down, honestly. "And besides, you will not be the one responsible for him" she was caught off by a strangled noise that came from my...father. His look was pleading, painful. She hissed at him and waved him away. "Your sister will be handling him." I barked out a laugh deep from my soul. "You really think putting a 16-year-old girl anywhere near Chauncey is the smartest idea?" I asked mockingly. Something must have hit the back of my head because my body lurched forward. I saw a heavy book on the ground and, ready to kill someone, saw that Chauncey had thrown it at me.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?!" I barked at me, his stance was in a defensive position, ready to fight. I've seen it plenty of times. Never ended well, for him. "I haven't even so much as touched a woman in centuries, let alone been involved with one! You taught me that, but it seems like only one of us listened" his scornful gaze went over to Nora, who was being held up by Scott. Her face went pale, and I was secretly worried she'd pass out again. I glared at Chauncey, clenching my fists, itching for a fight. "Enough! Both of you!" my mother snapped at us, then turned to me, "You will meet with your sister and that is final! And do not forget what will happen if you disobey me!" I wanted to scream at the injustice of it all, but, with a lot of self-control, I bit my tongue and looked away from my mother. I heard a small electronic beep come from across the room, my father talking to someone briefly, then addressing my mother, "She's here."

Scoffing under my breath, I went over to join the other Fallen Angels. I put my hands in my pockets and glowered at Chauncey from across the room. He lifted a wine glass that was on the small table near him in a mock salute, then leaned against the wall and sipped it. I wish I could shove it down his throat and watch the glass rip open his skin as the blood gushes out then shove a few pieces up his...again my morbid and violent thoughts were cut off, but not by my mother, by the sound of an animal roar. What the hell? I thought to myself. "Everyone behind the door part like the Red Sea!" a commanding voice yelled from outside. The Nephil all scattered like rats, standing on either side of the room.

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