Chapter 12

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Narrator - It was the morning after, Cheshvan had started last night, the castle members were awake, serving breakfast to the Queen and King, but upstairs the two Nephil still laid in bed. Chauncey laid unmoving, his mind still reeling about last night. Julia tossed and turned, not wanting to rise for she slept uneasily. After some coaxing, her servants helped her up and readied her for the day. Dressed, Julia dragged herself down the hall and stopped before Chauncey's door. She was hesitant to knock, last night's events played in her mind, but she smiled softly in remembrance. And with that, she knocked, calling to Chauncey softly through the door.

Inside the room, Chauncey sat up slowly, swinging himself over the bed into a sitting position. Chauncey hesitated as well, he hardly slept, the dream he had kept taunting him, sometimes it changed, his thoughts becoming more daring, but not unseemly. Slowly, he walked over to the door and opened it. The moment his eyes connected with Julia's jump-started his heart.

Chauncey- Damnit, why is she so beautiful?! Her eyes were soft, but he sensed un-rest in them. She wore a long cream-colored cotton dress that hugged her figure, and her blonde curls laid loosely around her shoulders. She was sans makeup, save for light mascara. In my staring, I watched her eyes travel down to his chest, a light blush formed in her cheeks, and she looked away from me. "You... you should dress. Food's downstairs, I'll wait out here" she said in a whisper. I gulped. Nodding, I closed the door and went to find fresh clothes. Oh, my god. That didn't just happen, right? Even though it'd been centuries, I can still detect desire in a woman. I'm being stupid, there's no way she'd ever be interested in me... right?

Breathing deeply, I flung the door open, accidentally startling Julia. Her face was bright red, her eyes wild. "Sorry," I told her. She placed a hand on her cheek, whether she was trying to cover up the redness or her embarrassment, I didn't know. Then I heard it, her wild heartbeat. The look in her eyes when she met mine shook me; her bright-blue eyes had darkened a shade or two. I put it all together, she isn't startled or embarrassed, all these things were signs of...

Desire, I thought to myself. She was thinking about me... oh my god; she was thinking about me! My head was racing, as was my heart. "We should go, now," she said, hurriedly. I walked up to her and held my arm out, not knowing if she would take it. She seemed at war with herself, but she slid her arm in mine, placing her hand on top. Together, we walked down the stairs and through the halls until we reached the dining room. It was a long table, polished brightly, so the redwood gleamed. Numerous silver plates and food sets were placed all over, ladled with various foods. The Queen and King sat at the head, chatting amongst themselves. Arcana smiled at us and bid us good morning. We bowed to them, and I led Julia over to her place on the left side of the table, near her mother.

I pulled out her chair and pushed her in, then started to walk over to her left, but she put her hand on my arm, stopping me. She looked at me, sheepishly, out of the corner of her eyes, and gently pulled me over to her right. I sat next to her, and when I did, a loud clanging ran through the room. I looked over and saw Naveen had dropped a croissant dish; the pastries were everywhere, the plate on the floor. His eyes seemed to bulge out of his head, even Arcana looked shocked, her eyes frozen on us, her food hung on her fork which was frozen mid-air in front of her mouth. Julia didn't acknowledge any of this, she just dished herself food, poured her coffee, and zoned out. I felt awkward now, but I wasn't going to let it show, so I copied Julia and tried to ignore it.

Naveen- No! No no no no! This is NOT happening! My mind was at war, wanting to deny it and wanting to murder the younger Nephilim at my daughter's side. I looked at my wife for help, but she gave me a blank look. My eyes widened in fear, and I went to open my mouth, but the look in her eyes said, "Don't even think about it". I looked back at Julia and Chauncey, they were talking to each other now, small smiles on their faces. When they had walked into the room, I sensed tension and unrest in them both. At first, I thought they were just worried because Cheshvan started last night, but seeing what just happened... Did something happen between them? As casually as I could, I rose from my seat, smiled at everyone, and announced I would return shortly.

My daughter smiled and nodded her head at me before turning her attention back to Chauncey. My wife, however, had a pursed frown on her face, but her eyes were stormy. They were a warning to me; she didn't want me to make a scene. I bowed to her and left the room calmly, but the moment the doors shut behind me, I sprinted as if my life depended on it down to Edwin's chambers. When I made it, I flung the doors open, not bothering to knock, and screamed for him. His bedroom door opened, and he tumbled out of them, disheveled and worried. He bowed clumsily to me, "Your Majesty! Whatever is the matter! Are you hurt? Her Majesty? Her Highness? What?" His words tumbled from his lips, but I gestured for him to relax, I didn't need both of us going crazy.

I explained to Edwin what I saw, he was a good friend and a trust confidant. By the end of my explanation, he was smiling. "She loves him. He came to me last night, he's either in denial or he truly had no idea of his feelings. My guess is both." I walked around the chair I was holding onto and sunk in it, my body felt like a brick. My face was frozen in pain. "No, not my little girl," I whispered. Edwin placed a hand on my shoulder, "My King, I know it's hard to admit at times, but she's not a little girl anymore, she's a young woman now," he said reassuringly. "But you also must remember that it is the duty of every man to be in love with her. His Grace is no exception, even if he doesn't realize it."

Edwin placed a hand reassuringly on my shoulder, but it felt heavy to me. "My Lord, this is not something to get worked up over. You know how these things go; men either swim or drown in your daughter's affections, all you need to do is figure out how deep this is. Besides, I doubt you'd let him around Julia if he weren't good for her." I nodded slowly. "Help me up, Edwin," I asked in a whisper. Once he got me standing, he walked me to the door. "Do you need help, my King?" he asked me, worriedly. I shook my head. "I'll manage," I told him and stumbled back down the hallway back to the dining room.

Once I reached the door, I heard my daughter's laugh explode from inside the room. Chauncey's voice, joyous and loud, burst through the door. I felt my heart drop like a stone in my stomach. Calling over some servants, I had one of them bring me a chair and sent the others to tell Arcana to come to meet me. After I few moments of waiting, my wife walked through the door, flinging them shut behind her. "Naveen, I swear on whatever God you want to pray to right now if you're overreacting to what happened, I will..." "Darling, please" I pleaded with her, my voice sounded drained. Her eyes softened a shade, but they were still blazing with anger. She sighed deeply and cradled my face. The coldness of her hands was an immense relief. "Do you know?" I asked her. She nodded, knowing what I meant. "I knew long before that, sweetheart," she told me in a gentle voice. I looked back at her face, it was softer now, as were her eyes.

"Just let them be. He's her first crush, and he's in love with her, which is a first for him. Don't ruin this for either of them, I think they'd make a splendid match." I heard the warning hidden in her words. A moment of silence fell between us. Arcana gently stroked my hair from my face while I held the other against my cheek, trying to cool off. Finally, I gave up and nodded. "Very well, dear. If you think something can come of this, then I won't interfere." My words shocked her, I'm normally not submissive when it comes to my daughter; trying to stop her from aging, wanting her to be an eternal virgin, not wanting her to meet Patch, etc....

She took my hands in hers and pulled me out of my seat. "You know she's a smart girl, Naveen. She doesn't give her affections or attention freely; those things must be earned, and he clearly earned them well. Out of the hundreds of boys in her life, he's the only one that's earned her affection romantically." I smiled sadly, "I know, it's just hard. She's my only child, my little girl... all grown up..." I trailed off. Arcana tipped my chin up to meet her eyes. "She's only 16, Naveen, woman or not, she still has some more growing to do." I laughed softly. Hearing my daughter's laughter again, I asked my wife, "How serious do you think it is?" But another voice answered me, "I think that's a question for me, don't you?" We both spun around towards the voice. Standing behind us, casually inspecting her nails, was Aphrodite. "So, my dears, why don't we all have a little chat."

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