Chapter 14

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Julia's P.O.V- Sitting on my couch, I let the thoughts of what happened with Chauncey consume me. The ball had ended an hour ago, and I, reluctantly, left Chauncey to retire to my room and ready for bed. But I was restless. My thoughts tormented me. My fingers absentmindedly traced up and down my arm, and I sighed softly, remembering the way Chauncey touched me. What almost happened between us was dangerous, but I couldn't forget the way I desired it. Had my brother not shown up, I know we would've kissed, and who knows what else would've transpired afterward. Well, not THAT, but still... what happens now? I have two weeks with him, what could happen during that time? I know desire when I see it or sense it, and I sensed it in Chauncey during our dance. I sensed it when we almost kissed; the way he touched me, held me, it was passionate.

I flung my hands to my face, clasping my cheeks that had begun to burn at my thoughts. I glanced at the door; down the hall was Chauncey's room, so close yet so far. Concentrating on the auras of the castle, I sensed out for Chauncey's; he was still awake. Maybe I should... no! What am I thinking? Have I gone mad, I can't just...? But I could and I think that was the problem but knowing and doing are different things. My entire body was warm now, and one glance at the mirror confirmed what I thought; I was red all over. My face was like a beacon, and my eyes were dilated and dark. Fuck, I'm in trouble. I don't understand how Chauncey has this effect on me. Attractive boys have always surrounded me, and though I admired many of them, I never acted this way before. It was like Chauncey had some kind of power over me, drawing out my secret desires with one touch.

But he's different. He's not some pretty boy, he's a man. Experienced, cultured, and so very beautiful. My heart clenched when I remembered the feeling of his body against mine, caged against his sculpted chest, being held by perfectly defined arms, he was a prince, almost Godlike. I remembered what Eros had said, "Honestly mother, he looks like a princely version of Adonis!" And he's right, Chauncey looked like a long-lost prince from a faraway land, sculpted by the Gods, as I had been. Gods, what would mother and Eros think if they knew I was having these thoughts? As for my brother, I have no doubt he'd try to rip Chauncey apart if he saw us tonight.

I glanced back at the door, my heart picked up, beating loudly. I nibbled on my lip, torn between wanting to be good... and wanting to let go. No. I'm not a child, not anymore; I'm a woman, a Princess, a Goddess. I won't let anyone gainsay or control me. And with those thoughts, I flung my door open and walked down to Chauncey's room. I hesitated a moment before knocking but did it anyway. The door opened and there he stood, just as he was this morning; shirtless and gorgeous. Shakily, I exhaled, desire coursing through me at the sight of this man before me. His look matched mine; dilated eyes, dark in color, breathing deeply.

Neither of us spoke; our eyes spoke for us. Slowly, I reached out and took his hand in mine, pulling him out into the hall. When he stood in front of me, I finally spoke. "I didn't want you to go earlier, and I don't want you to go now" I spoke normally, but my words were pleading. He took a sharp breath and held my hands tighter. Deciding to be bold, I took a step closer to him, our bodies just inches away from touching. "Stay with me" I pleaded. I look up into his face, and he was frozen. But the look in his liquid gray eyes told me his answer. He shut his door and let me lead him back to my room.

Opening the door, I pulled him inside. He didn't even take a moment to glance around the room, his eyes stayed on me. I knew this was crazy, but my feelings slammed the door on rationality, and I was able to lead Chauncey over to my bed. He let go of my hand to let me in first. Once I was situated, I patted the space next to me, but he stood there unmoving, then he spoke, "I can get a shirt if..." "No" I whispered and held my hand out to him. This time, he didn't hesitate. He pulled back the covers and slid in next to me. snapping my fingers, the lights went out, and we were bathed in darkness and moonlight. Turning on my side, I nearly melted at what I saw; Chauncey's face was dimly lit by the moon's glow, and his eyes looked even darker.

He opened his arms to me, and I slid into them, my head resting on his chest while his arms held me to him. Both our hearts were beating rapidly. I nuzzled my cheek against his chest, relishing in the warmth of his body and the feeling of his hard chest rising and falling. He tensed up, tightening his hold on me, his fingers flew to my hair, tangling themselves in the strands. I felt his nose nuzzle the top of my head and I signed in content. Moments passed in silence, both of us lay unmoving. Slowly, my hand traveled up Chauncey's chest until it reached his heart, where I stopped. One of Chauncey's hands clasped on top of mine, holding it on his heart. I tilled my head up to look at his face and found he was already looking at me.

Chauncey's P.O.V- Oh, my God, oh, my God! Oh. My. Fucking. God! I cannot believe this can't be happening! But it is! Fuck! Those are the thoughts that filled my mind over and over; every time she moved or touched me sent a jolt of desire burning through me. Holding her in my arms, in her bed, it was blissful. I never felt peace like this before. Hell, I haven't been at peace before in centuries since Patch ruined my life. And here I am now, in bed with his little sister. If I wasn't so filled with desire, I'd burst out laughing. Julia's ocean blue eyes had been dark as a storm since she stood outside my room, and I knew she was enjoying this just as much as I am. When she told me to stay with her, I almost fell over. When I stood next to her bed, watching her hold out a hand to me, I almost jumped her.

Jesus, that sounds wrong. Get your shit together, Chauncey, she's not ready for any of that. As much as I would probably love that, I would never insinuate or expect those kinds of things from Julia. I don't know what happens after tonight, but even if nothing comes from it, I won't forget it. "Chauncey" her soft voice ended my thought process. Her eyes were soft now, but still dark with desire. I had been staring at her the entire time, so I didn't notice she had moved closer to me. Her face was on my shoulder now, watching me, and I lifted my hand and gently stroked her cheek. The tip of her tongue poked out to lick her lips. I froze. Oh. My. God! She had no idea what that did to me. My eyes stayed on her lips, my heart pounding.

Then her eyes moved down to my lips, and I lost it. Both my hands held the sides of her face, and I brought our lips together in a slow kiss. It lasted only a few seconds, but so much passion was contained in that kiss. Our lips were inches away as we locked eyes on one another. She looked shocked, but her eyes said she enjoyed it. I didn't know what I should now that I've kissed her, but I know what I wanted to do. I smiled at her before kissing her again. God, she's amazing! She didn't hesitate to kiss me back; it was slow, again, but more passionate than the first one. Her body pressed against mine and her hands clasped around my neck.

Slowly, I pulled her on top of me, moaning softly at the feeling of her completely against me. Our kiss deepened, and I grew bolder. My tongue softly licked her lips, asking for entrance, and she wasted no time giving me access. My tongue danced inside her mouth, but the taste of her when her tongue touched mine almost sent me into overdrive. She moaned when our tongues touched, and I froze for the tiniest moment. My hands slide up her back, then back down to rest on her waist. I flipped us over, so she laid underneath me, and I stopped kissing to look at her. My eyes took her in completely, drinking her in. Her face was bright red, breathless from our kiss. Her lips were puffy, and her eyes were almost black. Beautiful. She was the perfect picture of desire. My lips crashed back onto hers, and I gripped her body tightly in my hands. She arched against me, and I growled softly, lustfully.

Her fingers were in my hair, pulling me to her, keeping me close, making sure I didn't stop. Don't worry, Princess, I won't stop unless you say, I said in her mind. I don't know how much time went by, but by the time we stopped, the moon had fully risen outside, its light leaving the room, so we lay in darkness. We were both panting heavily, eyes locked on each other. Her clothes were a bit disheveled, but she didn't seem to care. I locked both our hands together, pressing them into the bed. I leaned down to gently kiss her head, her nose, then her lips. She sighed softly, content, and smiled at me. I smiled back in awe of her. I could see myself reflected in her eyes, and the look I gave her was one I've never made before.

At this moment I knew Edwin was right; I couldn't deny it anymore, not after this. I was in love with Julia. She yawned softly; her eyes were half-closed with fatigue. I laughed softly and rolled off her and onto my back, pulling her against me. Once she was comfy, I kissed her head again, then wrapped my arms around her. I lay there, hearing her gentle breathing, and I've never been so happy. I kissed her once more before sleep overtook me as well. And for the first time in a long time, I slept peacefully, without nightmares, and without fear.        

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