Chapter 10

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Narrator- It's the morning of Cheshvan, which starts tonight. Julia and Chauncey had walked into the dining room together, chatting quietly. When Julia saw the group of Fallen, her Nephil senses kicked up higher than usual; knowing it was Cheshvan, and being around all these Fallen made her uneasy. Chauncey, as if sensing her emotions, took her hand in his, eyes filled with concern. Her body warmed as they locked eyes on each other, they didn't need words to understand what the other was thinking or feeling. The sound of the door behind them made them drop each other's hands, and Julia smiled as she greeted her brother. "You feeling okay?" Patch asked quietly. Julia shrugged. "I guess, just nervous," she admitted. Patch placed his hands on her shoulders and gave his little sister a stern, confident look. "No one will touch you. I promise." Julia smiled and placed her hands on Patch's shoulders, nodding in thanks. Chauncey had walked away when Patch went to greet Julia, he was standing with December, whispering to one another. They both glared at Patch, December hissing softly. Patch just flipped the girl off, not caring for her attitude.

"Guys, it's 9am, please don't start," Julia commanded, rubbing her temples, and pouring coffee while her brother chatted. "Children, I want us to eat together, please," Arcana said, walking into the room arm-in-arm with her mate. Julia looked sideways at her brother, cocking her eyebrows as if to say, "Well?" Patch rolled his eyes, walked over to Julia's right side, and held his arm out for her to take. She laughed and linked their arms, letting Patch escort her to her seat. Arcana was beaming at her son and took her spot. "So, I was gonna talk to you guys about this when I got here, but obviously got sidetracked," Patch told his parents, smirking at Julia when he said "sidetracked". Julia gently punched her bother's arm and stuck out her tongue. "But after all the crap I've been through, I wanted to come home for a while," Patch finished.

Julia looked at her brother in shock, but their mother was all smiles. "My son, this is your home. You are always welcome here. How long were you thinking?" Patch shrugged. "Honestly, a year or two." Arcana spat her tea and Naveen dropped his fork. Julia was frozen, eyes wide. Patch smirked. "I'd come after Cheshvan. Is that okay?" he asked. Recovering from her surprise, Arcana shook her head, clearing the shock. "We would love to have you, mi hijo." While the two siblings plated their food, Patch spoke in Julia's mind. "I'd like you to meet Nora. I think you'd like her, and she loves you already. She and her best friend are fans." Julia beamed at Patch. "Your love for one another comes off in waves. I'd love to meet her. Bring her with you, she can stay if she wants." Patch laughed softly. "This place might be too much for her, but we'll talk about it."

Chauncey- I glanced over at Julia and Patch having quiet conversations. They seemed to be going back and forth with mind speak, not wanting anyone to hear them. "Gesu yarō," (asshole) Shai hissed. "Agreed," December and I said. "Guys, for real?" Xander said. "Yeah, just leave it alone. So what if they get along?" Fauna whined, dipping her biscuit in her tea. "December," Arcana called. December stood up and bowed her head. "We're having an emergency council meeting later. Please attend." "Da, Vashe Velichestvo," (Yes, your majesty) December swept into a deeper bow before sitting again. "Wonder what that's about?" Dante said, sipping his coffee. "Probably about the attacks on Julia. We still don't know who's behind them," December said calmly, but I could hear the faint anger. As Captain of the Royal Guard, she prides herself on the security of the family.

"Who's on the council?" I asked. "Her Majesty's parents and grandparents. My Lieutenant, Rocco, and I, though we aren't always there. The Inferno triplets; Cyra, Helia, Savita. They're the family assassins. They make Furies seem like Angels." "Naveen's parents and grandparents because the Cipriano mate's immediate family is always allowed on council. And the Lord Chancellor." I nodded, taking a cucumber sandwich, and popping it into my mouth. "Why is Naveen always on Arcana's right side? I noticed Patch went to Julia's right side before he walked her over." December was squeezing a lemon into her water, then licked her fingers before answering.

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