Chapter 6

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Narrator POV- "Julia, that's the second assassin attempt on you within a week. We should probably start worrying, or coming up with a plan, маленький, (little one)" December said, taking a long drag of her cigarette. Julia, perched on the couch with tea in her hands, and Zera prowling back and forth at her feet, rolled her eyes and waved December off. "This is a typical day in my life, December. We'll be fine." December glanced back at her friends and fellow hybrids with concern. She gestured to Charisse, Julia's second, silently begging for help. The siren girl shrugged but tried anyway. "Jul, maybe we should come up with a plan, at least. Just in case. After all, we'll be separated for two weeks." "The girls are right, Angel. You're not some random person, you're you! Heir to the throne, all powerful. We shouldn't brush this off," Domino, one of the demon brothers, said, his voice full of concern. Julia smiled softly at her friends. "I'm a Cipriano. Threats come with the name. This is normal, and I'll be fine." Chauncey laughed softly and took a seat next to Julia. "Threats and attempts on your life shouldn't be something you're used to, little one." Julia smirked at him. "Didn't your abuse feel normal after a while?" Chuancey's smile faltered. Her words didn't anger him, they cut him.

Realizing this, Julia's eyes widened, and she frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. That wasn't right." Chuancey shrugged. "No, it's alright. And you are correct; after some time, whether I fought back or not, Patch's treatment of me was expected every time he came for me. It's awful but it is what it is." Julia patted his hand and Zera leaned over and licked them. The door opened and two little heads peaked out, glancing around. Everyone went silent as they turned to see what was happening. Two young boys pushed the door wider and, seeing Julia, ran hand in hand and threw themselves at her. They wrapped their little arms around her legs, bouncing excitedly on their feet. "Simon, Helios!" Julia exclaimed, lifting the boys into her lap, cooing, and kissing them. The pitter patter of little feet could be heard from the hallway, and a group of children, various in height and age, ran into the room, beelining for Julia. "My little darlings!" Chauncey watched on, confused, as all the children clambered over one another to get their hugs and kisses.

"Mother, who's that?" a little brown-haired girl with shimmering green eyes asked, pulling at Julia's shirt. All the other children looked over at Chauncey, curious and silent. "Oh, this is His Grace, Chauncey Langeais. He's my new charge, little ones, so be polite. He's a Duke and he'll be staying with me during Cheshvan. Can we say hello?" The children straightened themselves up, bowed or curtsied, then said, "Hello, your Grace!" in loud, charming voices. Chauncey, surprised and amused, bowed his head. "Mother?" he asked Julia. she nodded. "I'm the Goddess of Children. These are my kids. Ones I see practically every day, that is." She looked at her children and asked them to line up. The taller children gently led or pushed the little ones into place before assuming their own, oldest to youngest. "Jared, James, Clara, Elijah, Helios, Simon, Evie." Chauncey nodded, remembering what Julia had told him about her blessings as a Goddess and the duties it came with. "So, do they not have mothers?" he asked.

"They're all different. Each with their own stories." Jared, her First Cub, as he was affectionately named, was human and had neglectful parents. Julia had been raising him for four years now. James and Clara were twins. Their father was a French Marshal in the magic realm, and titled members of the society. Their mother was, unfortunately, killed when they were young. Elijah was a young King, having lost his father a few days ago. His mother died after he was a year old. Helios is a human boy who, like all the other children in his village, were kidnapped by an evil Queen who prayed on the youth of children. Julia had rescued them all, but she took a shine to Helios because he had encouraged the children to fight back. Simon, a half human, was a Duke. His mother was human and died giving birth to him. Simon, at first, was just one of Julia's numerous children. She had never met his father or mother, but when she found out the mistreatment at his father's hand, she had taken him away. He'd been Julia's for a week now. (Yes, this is Simon Hastings from Bridgerton.) Evie is a witch's daughter. Her family is old, gothic, and very taken with Dark Arts, but long-standing friends with the Cipriano's.

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