Chapter 21 - Contingencies

Start from the beginning

My wrist itches for the brand. I want so badly to have the Celtic tree of life on me. Keeping myself a secret is going to be the best solution to this problem. I'm not sure how long we can keep it up, but maybe the longer is goes, the less likely Bren is going to want me back. Maybe he'll just assume I've died.

"Step two?" I ask.

"Step two is the Advisor issue." Matthew rubs his temple, "He had the audacity of sending a separate letter suggesting that he has Advisors that are ready to be sanctioned to different packs."

"Spies you mean." I say under my breath with a frown. Typical Bren, hotheaded and unbelievably obvious. He really hasn't grown at all over these last few months.

River nods, "We expect they're going to be located to keep an eye out for you. We don't know how to hide you away if a Spartan is here. I'm assuming they'll pick up on you as soon as they're on the territory."

My shoulders sink slightly—what's the point of being kept a secret if someone is just going to come and expose me. Anxiety starts to rid its ugly face. Why can't I just be left alone and stay here with Matthew without any complications.

Even with the severity of the situation, River manages to push a friendly smile. "You're quite popular after all."

I return his smile, letting all the knowledge I have of Sparta start to wash over me. I need to find a solution—or at least a piece to solve this puzzle. The gears in my mind working overtime until I feel like a lightbulb has gone over my head. I turn to Matthew, "Request Clara!"

The thought almost excites me. Having Clara here would be amazing. She might miss all the battling and fighting that we had in Sparta, but I have no doubt she would easily fit in. Matthew seems to consider it for a moment, his mind trying to process the idea.

Finally, he shakes his head, "It's too obvious Mia. Requesting your best friend while you're missing."

"Clara was one of the top in her class in academics." I smirk slightly, "With my help anyways. But if you request an Advisor with certain academic criteria, it should only narrow it down to roughly two or three girls. I can help you come up with the criteria that you require of an Advisor. You can say that you expect the Advisor to teach university classes and Clara fits the bill."

"Can this girl be trusted?" Sage asks hesitantly. There's doubt in her expression and I can tell she doesn't fully believe me.

"Clara is the only person I would trust." I tell them honestly. Thinking back to all my memories with her, of our friendship over the years. Clara would never betray me. Especially for Alpha Bren.

"We'll draft up a plan in that case." River turns his attention to Matthew. "I can't guarantee this will work in the long term, Alpha."

"I know," Matthew nods. "But for now, it gives us time to plan something else. Maybe make favor with the King."

I can only imagine the work that we're going to have to put in to get the King to agree. He's incredibly adamant towards mates being together. Previous King's were focused on uniting Alpha's across the world. Some were driven by war. But overall, they left the kingdom to Aiden quite secured. Alpha King Aiden's reign has thus far been maintaining peace amongst the packs, enforcing werewolf laws, and having to battle against the Rebellion.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" I ask when silence falls in the room. River and Sage look at each other. Matthew turning away from me, his expression hard. I'm somewhat afraid to ask at this point, "What is it?"

Matthew nervously plays with his wolf ring, a mannerism I've realized he does when he's nervous, anxious, or trying to control himself.

"Mia," Sage says with a sigh. "To keep you a secret, Alpha can't mark you."

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