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Clarke's POV-

The metal of Lexa's swords clashed against each other as I hopelessly tried to defend every attack from Lexa's knife.

Failing miserably, she constantly pushed me back or knocked my weapon to the ground.

"Ugh. This isn't working." I complained.

"Stay focused, you're doing fine." She would reply, handing my weapon back to me to start again.

After several more attempts to hold my ground, I angrily cast the sword to my side and turned away from Lexa.

"Clarke." She said, touching my shoulder.

"I can't do this. I'm not good at all."

"Learning to fight takes time and commitment. It took me 14 years to get to where I am and I'm still training and learning every day."

"Well, that's real promising." I interjected, sarcasm infecting my tone.

Lexa sighed, setting her knife to the ground beside mine.

Her hand moved from my shoulder to my lower back where it rested.

For a while, we watched the natblita's train from a distance, standing in silence.

"They're good kids." I said, breaking the silence.

"They're perfect." She responded; eyes still fixed on them.

"Tell me more about them?" I asked.

Lexa turned to me, smirking.

"Sit down, this will take a while..." She replied.

Obliging, we sat on the dirt, my head resting on Lexa's shoulder as she twirled my golden hair.

"Ah. I'll start with Archer, or as we call him, Aspen." She smiled.

"As he said, he was from Trishanakru, and the flame keeper scouts found him just last spring. He's been with us for only a year and already he shows great promise. He's one of the most determined pupils I've met, and he is passionate about those he cares for." She paused.

"Wearing his heart on his sleeve could be dangerous for him. I have no doubt he's too pure for this world." Her eyes darkened but was quickly blinked away.

"Huron is the youngest. The scouts never actually found him; he was delivered here to the tower as a newborn baby when his mother realized his blood was black. Some in our culture find it necessary to kill the family of a natblita when they are found in case, they become Commander. As we say, love turns to weakness." She told.

"It is better to have a lonely, successful Commander, than a weak one."

"Is that what happened to your family?" I asked, cautiously.

Lexa sighed and looked down at her hands.

"I suppose so. I don't remember very much. I was taken when I was 7 and my house was burned down with my family in it."

"Oh Lexa, I'm so sorry!" I gushed.

"No need to apologize, I've made peace." She smiled to me.

"Anyways, Huron is sweet. He's a little bit shy, but confidence comes with age, so I expect him to grow into his personality."

I watched as Lexa talked about the children. Her face was lit with joy and her eyes were alive with thought and recollection of her favorite memories.

"As you may have noticed, Lina and Harlo are similar in age." She looked at me, smirking.

I Thought Love was Weakness?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin