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Clarke's POV-

Snapping out of my memory, I recognize the purpose of my visit.



"I think I like girls." I return my mother's blank stare for several seconds before continuing.

"I understand if you don't agree or don't want to talk about it, but I thought you should know. I really hope that you think this is a good thing because I'm afraid for you to hate me. I know that you think I should marry a boy... maybe you wanted me to marry Wells, but that's just who I am. Whether or not you want to be a part of my life still is up to you but either way I'm going to go back to Polis tomorrow-." I finish my rant only to look back to my mom and see her eyes wide and her smile large.

"Clarke.... I don't care who you love, if you find happiness, I'll be happy. I could never stop loving you and I will always be a part of your life. I'm very proud of you my sweet girl." She speaks.

My eyes begin to water, and my lips start to quiver as I fall into my mom's arms, seeking comfort from the fear I was so wrong to have.


Lexa's POV-

(5 years ago)

I stand behind the girl admiring her delight in the scenery as she touches the surface of the water to gage the temperature. She turns back to me with a grin on her face and pulls me into a delighted kiss.

After, I turn to my left and guide her up a path until we reach the top of the waterfall. There, a table awaits supporting the most expensive wine in Polis, and each of the our favorite foods.

"Oh, Lexa! This is incredible!!" Her smile was enchanting. It became engraved in my mind from that point forward. The smile of pure love, happiness, and beginnings.


Clarke's POV-

Relieved, I make my way back to the mess hall to find my friends.

"Over here, Princess!" Bellamy shouts from a nearby table seating Raven, Octavia, and Harper.

"Play chess with us?" Harper asks, eyes focused on the board, carefully analyzing her actions.

"Sure!" I sat down at the metal table and cleared a board for Raven and me to play.

"I don't stand a chance... do I?" I asked Raven, already defeated.

"Nope!" She chirped, expertly correcting my mistakes in the set up.

I sighed, as I moved one of my pawns forward.


Lexa's POV-

(5 years ago)

We ate dinner in silence, all but the sound of the waterfall. Something was off as she continuously braided and re-braided her hair, something she did when she was anxious or afraid.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

She glanced up at me from her plate and her eyes darkened. I saw something unrecognizable in her. Her features hardened and her emotion disappeared.

Noticing my confusion, she stood from her chair and walked to the edge of the falls, facing away from me.

I followed behind her shortly after reaching out for her shoulder to turn her around.

She spun to me, eyes large with fear, lips slightly parted as they quivered in shock.

I could feel her quickened breath on my neck as the shaky breaths loudened and a tear rolled down her cheek.

I Thought Love was Weakness?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora