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Clarke woke up the next morning sprawled out in the Commanders bed. Light was seeping through the windows and Lexa was nowhere to be found. The last thing she remembered from the night before is having a long bath, then her head hitting the pillows in exhaustion.

Clarke took her time to admire the luxury of the Commander's furs and bed. The bedframe was as tall as the very high ceilings, and there were many thick, exotic furs draped over the soft mattress. The room was cool and massive. There was a sense of calmness to the room as there were not any out of place objects.

Clarke got dressed and traveled down the hall back to her room. As she was walking, Clarke could hear yelling from the throne room. It seemed to be coming from Lexa.


Lexa's POV-

"If you care for Clarke, you must send her home. It is the ONLY way that she will be safe!!!" Titus scolded me.

"Don't make her pay the same price for your mistakes as Costia did." He added.

"My mistakes? MY MISTAKES?!" I roared.


"I'm sorry Lexa."

"I didn't mean to offend you." He apologized.

"Yes, you did." I knew better.

"But you also mean well. And I know that, teacher." I softened.

Allowing myself to care for Clarke had given me a weakness that the Ice Queen had tried to exploit. Now, Ice nation is calling for my head and demanding war for the death of their queen. But I am Heda. And if they want war to prove that then war they will have.

"Get Indra." I spat as Titus was exiting the throne room. He nodded in obeyance. I sat on my isolating throne, a dark pit in my stomach. I knew what needed to be done.

Half an hour later, Indra appeared.

She had her traditional warpaint and armor on and she dropped to a deep bow as she entered.

"Heda." She praised.

"Indra. Thank you for meeting with me."

"It is my pleasure; how may I help you?" She asked.

"I'm sure you've heard all about the situation with Azgeda. They are nearing our borders, and Roan hasn't done much to lead them as I'd hoped."

"Yes. They're very angry, I fear they'll cross the border within the week. Shall I send an army to enforce the boundary?"


Indra nodded, unsure of what to say next.

"War is what they want, so war is what they'll get." I expressed.

"Yes Heda. How many troops do you want to send?"

"All except the royal guard, and the 3 Trikru armies will disperse to keep order within Polis and the remainder of the Coalition. The rest will go."

"They'll be ready within the hour."

"I'll be leading them. We leave at first light tomorrow."

Indra bowed once again as she hurried off to ready the armies.


On her way back to her room to get ready, Lexa stopped at Clarke's door and knocked.


"Clarke. Hi."

"Hi." The blonde smiled, pulling the Commander into a soft kiss.

Lexa looked to the floor, unsure of how to explain herself.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm leaving, Clarke."

"To go where?"

"The Azgeda border, 3 days north of here. I leave at first light."

Clarke's mouth was slightly agape as she searched Lexa's eyes for some sign of a joke.

"But you could die."

"I could always die." She admitted sweetly, protecting Clarke's delicate emotions.

"If you're going then I am too."

"No, you aren't Clarke. It's too dangerous."

"When will you be back?"

"If all goes smoothly, I'll be back in 12 days."

Clarke nodded in approval.

"Can I see you again before you go?"

"Come to my room tonight."

Clarke nodded once again while gently closing the door to her bedroom.


Hi!!  Sorry I haven't been posting parts recently- I've been looking for some inspiration, apart from being busy with school! Ap Bio is kicking my ass!! Anyways, please leave comments and tell me what you think! Lmk if you're interested in a certain storyline or plot to be implemented because I want to hear all of your ideas :)! Don't forget to give this a star and sorry this chapter is shorter.

I Thought Love was Weakness?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora