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There was a tense atmosphere in the room, and no one dared start the debate.

The commander sighed in frustration, and Clarke began.

"Hello everyone. I'm Clarke Griffin. I was born in space on the Ark (which she proceeded to explain), and I know that our people have gotten off to the wrong start, but we all want the same things. I'd like nothing more than to move forward from our past and to begin a new era of peace and trade between all of us."

It was silent once again.

Further frustrated with the lack of debate, the Commander spoke.

"Clarke of the Sky People, why should we forgive the massacres at your drop ship and at TonDC."

Clarke inhaled- the Commander wasn't going easy on her.

"When my people first arrived here, we knew nothing of your culture or customs. We simply existed and tried to survive. We defended countless attacks from your people before we were even able to communicate with you all. The attack on our drop ship was not our provoking. Your warriors came to kill us, we simply beat them, having every right to defend ourselves." Clarke paused.

"As for the deaths at TonDC, it was the decision of one individual, who has died for his atrocities, as your tradition demanded."

The delegate from Podakru spoke up.

"As our tradition demands?! We did not get the kill we deserved; you owe us the death of 18." He yelled.

Luna responded to him.

"He is dead. There is no reason to dwell on the past. The reality is we are all here today, willing to make peace which is all we can ask for to protect our people. The sky people have weapons and technology we couldn't dream of. It is in our best interest to agree today."

One by one, each representative continued to debate their positions on the massacres.

"Let us move on." The Commander instructed.

"The truth is, we have the army. We have the numbers. I am confident that my armies could wipe out the remainder of your peoples if provoked. You may have weapons and technology, but it won't last you down on the ground, with no survival skills. What can you offer my clans in exchange for survival and peace?"

Clarke sat up in her chair.

"We have the ability to make bombs, we have hundreds of guns and ammunition, electricity, and we have the people. Among us, there are doctors, medicine, engineers, mechanics, advanced farmers, and scientists. If given the ability, we could build cities and amenities that otherwise you could never have."

"How could you guarantee that you wouldn't use your weapons against us? We should kill you all before you get a chance." Spat the Ouska Ejon Kru representative.

"That is enough, Kraden. We are not here to make threats." The Commander coldly corrected. His face flushed and he sat back in his chair.

The remainder of the discussion went positively for Clarke as the direction began to start negotiating trade and treaties with the clans.

The Ice Queen, who hadn't spoke up much so far, had turned her head to look perplexedly at Clarke, even though neither of them was speaking. The commander was first to notice Nia's look towards Clarke, and her insides churned, but she didn't say anything.

The delegates continued to speak when all of the sudden the Azgeda Queen spoke up.

"Finn, was it?" She asked. Clarke turned her head, caught off guard by the seemingly random question.

"Yes, what about him." Clarke replied.

"You cared for him?"

"I- Um." Clarke didn't know how to respond. She could deny feelings for the one she had loved or admit to caring for their murderer.

"Nia, is there a purpose to your question?" The commander boomed, rage in her tone.

"No, just curiosity, Heda." Nia smirked; eyes still fixated on Clarke.

Interrupting Nia, Lexa said,

"I think it's time to take a vote. As you all know, the majority vote wins, and the alliance contract we have drafted, will become revised and go into effect within 8 days if we vote to make Skaikru our ally. If not, they shall be dismissed, and we will have further discussion on how to proceed."

Clarke was ushered out of the room, and the delegates faced the commander awaiting further instruction.

"All in favor of an alliance formed with Skaikru, say aye."

"All in favor of not having peace, say nay."

By the end of the vote, all delegates had agreed to make peace with Skaikru, except the leaders of Ouska Ejon Kru, Podakru, Delfikru, and Azgeda. It had been decided.

Inside, Lexa was relieved, although she didn't show it under her stony demeaner.

Tonight, they would celebrate their alliance and honor death.


Clarke had conversation with a few of the delegates and they exchanged laughter and small talk. The Commander carefully watched every move Clarke made and every conversation she had, making sure the Ice Queen wasn't speaking to her. What the Commander didn't know is that instead of watching Clarke, the Queen of Azgeda was watching the Commander look at the Sky girl.


The sun began to set, and everyone was preparing for the celebration. There was a band being set up, and the kitchens were swarmed with the task of making food for hundreds. All of Polis was gleaming in pride for their leaders.

Clarke's POV-

I heard a knock on my door and recognized it as Niylah's. She had perfectly helped me prepare for our debate, and so I had asked her to help me get ready for the celebration. She opened my door, looking radiant. Her cascading hair flowed down her back, and she had on a dress that outlined her body to perfection. I smiled and blushed as she slid past me into my bedroom.

"Congratulations, Clarke. I heard that we are officially at peace with each other." She smiled.

"Thank you Niylah, you have helped me so much already and I'm excited to continue to work together."

"As am I, Clarke."

The girls paused, staring each other for what felt like ages.

"Let's get you changed!" Niylah exclaimed, breaking the tension.

In the glow of candlelight, Niylah helped me slide my dress off and down to my feet. I shivered at the feeling of my bare skin to the open air, but I was warmed when all the sudden Niylah spun me around and passionately pulled me into a long kiss. When we finally released, our lips came colliding back into each other with a quicker pace than before, until I tore Niylah's dress from her body and pushed her to my bed.

In the meantime, while we kissed, I began to undress Niylah, taking off her skirt and then top until we were naked. We continued to enjoy each other's bodies and lips for minutes until our limbs were entangled and there was a knock on my door.

"Clarke?" Called the person from behind my door.

Seconds later, the door was pushed open to reveal the Commander staring directly at our naked, intertwined bodies. The color drained from her face, and she quickly closed the door and left without saying another word.

Niylah and I immediately separated and in an awkward silence, redressed.

"I should go..." Niylah says

I simply nodded, making firm eye contact with the ground between us.

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