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Back in the commander's tent, I violently begin an attempt to clean my hands of the sins they had just committed. I try to clean the memories, and the feeling of his warm blood against my fingers. I take the bloody knife and throw it across the floor, just as the Commander enters the tent. She's alone.

The commander marches into the tent dodging the discarded knife and takes her place at the throne while Clarke wipes away her tears.

"Blood has answered blood. Some on my side say that's not enough. They wanted Finn to suffer as our tradition demands. But they don't know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days."

A slight fracture in the Commanders intense guard begins to show and her eyes soften.

"Why didn't you just kill me instead, Clarke?" Referencing the knife Clarke used.

"Doing that would kill us all, else trust me I would've." She breathed heavily, through persistent tears.

Ignoring Clarke's wish to kill her, the commander questions her,

"I think you should consider coming to Polis with us, it will change the way you think of us."


"We have a lot to discuss if we are to consider a truce, and I need to meet with my ambassadors. I assumed you would want to be present at the meeting."

"When do you need an answer by?"

"We leave at first light. Meet us at the gates if you wish to come."

A simple nod sufficed.

Clarke stood up, leaving to exit the tent and go back to Arkadia, but the Commander stood up and blocked the exit.

Clarke was 2 feet away from the Commander, ushering herself a path to pass from. The commander didn't move. Instead, she looked Clarke in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Clarke."

Clarke looks at her, sadness seeping from the corners of her eyes, her hands stained red with her sins. The commander moves away, clearing the way for Clarke to leave.

She turns to look back at the Commander.

"Thank you... for letting me say goodbye."

The commander smiled. In that moment Clarke noticed her sparkling green eyes, and she looked gentle. She was beautiful.


Back in Arkadia, Raven charged at Clarke as she entered the gates.

In a rage of screams and sobs, limbs flew everywhere as Raven hit Clarke with every fiber of her being.

"YOU KILLED HIM! HE'S DEAD!" Screaming, Raven lunges at Clarkes shoulder throwing an aggressive punch.

"Raven stop!!" Bellamy grabs onto Raven, holding her back form Clarke.

"She didn't suffer, Raven." Kane reasons.

Raven turns to face Clarke, tears streaming down her face. In that moment, Raven notices the tears that formed on Clarke's face, that resembled her own.

Finally understanding the gravity of the event that had taken place, Raven embraces Clarke in a hug.

Nothing more needed to be said.

An hour later, Clarke began to pack a backpack with what few belongings she had left.

"What do you think you're doing?" demanded Abby

"The commander has asked me to travel to Polis with her."

"She's a child! They're being led by a child." Abby restitutes.


"You are not going anywhere with those murderers! You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do. If this truce doesn't hold, I killed Finn for nothing."

Abby began to remove the items Clarke had packed in her backpack and unpack them.

"Mom, I have to do this, and you have to let me. This might be our only chance for peace."

Abby dropped her shoulder and sighed, gazing at her daughter.

"You are the most stubborn person I've ever met. You remind me of your father." The two of them let out a happy sigh and reminisced Clarke's father, who had died on the Ark. 

A/N- Don't worry! This is probably the shortest and most boring of all of the chapters! Hope you enjoy!

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