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It had been several days between the night the Commander met Clarke in the kitchen, and today was the day Skaikru was coming to work out official peace treaty details.

Clarke's POV-

Since the night in the kitchens, I hadn't seen Lexa, except when she came to my room the night afterwards to relay a message that my friends and family were coming to Polis. We hadn't discussed our relationship, or what had happened since, but I could feel the tension. I sat beside her at every formal dinner, and everything reminded me of what I wanted most. The way she spoke, the way she walked, fought, even the way she drank made me want her more and more.

Besides that, Raven, Bellamy, Octavia, Kane, Abby, and Harper were arriving within the hour.

I anxiously stood at the gates of Polis, thrilled to be reunited with them. The commander exited the tower just minutes after me, a wake of guards and officials closely following her. Just as she had at the feast, she looked regal and fiercely diplomatic. She nodded at me, a slight smirk on her lips and playful spark in her eyes, but unrecognizable to the average person. I noticed her flame keeper, Titus, eyeing me viciously. I brushed I off.

The first person I saw was Octavia. She was dressed in traditional grounder armor, and had weapons displayed all over her body. She looked stronger and tanner since I last saw her. She departed immediately after pleasantries to find Indra.

Next, Abby and Kane rode in. Their posture was tall and their expressions friendly. They immediately thanked the Commander for her hospitality and introduced themselves to the masses.

Raven, Harper, and Bellamy came striding in next, in deep conversation. When they saw me, their eyes lit up and they jumped down from their horses to embrace me.

"Clarke!" Raven exclaimed.

"Raven, Harper, Bell! How are you all?"

"Better now princess!" Bellamy replied.

I playfully punched his arm and we laughed.

We all continued to talk while I simultaneously gave everyone a tour of Polis, ending in showing them their rooms in the guest hall.

"I'm excited to catch up at dinner!" Clarke said to her mother and Kane.

She shut their door and turned around to speak with Octavia, Raven, and Harper, her best friends (besides Bellamy).

"So?! Have you hooked up with any of the hot grounders yet?!" Harper enthusiastically inquired. I blushed.

"No way!!!!" Octavia gasped.

Octavia was the only person I had told of my feelings for the Commander. I gave her a glare that told her not to tell anyone about who my feelings were for.

I gave my friends the run down- leaving down the part where I mentioned the woman was the Commander of the 12 clans and a ruthless murderer who had tried to kill them all multiple times.

"So, I met her here in Polis and things were friendly between us, but platonic for the last few weeks. Until, before the ceremony a few days ago, I was hooking up with someone else, and she walked in on us."

Harper and Raven squealed.

"What happened!?" They chimed.

"Nothing immediately, but I went down to the ceremony, and she wasn't acknowledging me. Instead, she was flirting with two other women."

This was news to them all, so they were listening intently, eyes wide open.

"I went to sleep that night, and her room is next to mine, and I heard her hooking up with those two women. And guess what?!"

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