5.5 // mrs perfectly fine

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"You look tired."

"I don't know why." Billie shrugged as she stood in the middle of the studio staring at the white board of their songs.

"So... who was-"

"Shut up." She sat down on the couch and looked up at her brother, who was nodding, not wanting to push it further.

"I think... we should go home, actually no- we should figure the setlist out for jingle ball, in a few weeks."

"You haven't figured it out already?"

"No..." She sat on the floor and took out her phone looking at the story she posted. "I know I wanna play a few old songs that we don't play anymore. Maybe bring back 'I love you' ?"

" If we brought that back would you want to reuse the old visuals?" He started typing out a 'maybe' list for the set list, and turned around to her. "What else?"

Billie read through all the songs people were suggesting and shook her head.

"I don't know."


"you should bring the old songs back. i listened through them again, and i think it would be nice hearing the older stuff again."

"yeah but what its not good anymore. like what if i sing it and it just sucks major ass." Billie groaned and threw her head back onto the couch arm rest.

"its not going to suck ass. your voice is amazing, seriously. people would kill to hear how you sing your old stuff now. like- 'i love you' and '8' are amazing songs that would floor everyone, that came to see you." Liah watched her and put her head in billies lap, looking up at her.

"this sucks." 

"i know im sorry." she gave her a soft smile and watched her smile back at her.

"its okay. i'm thinking about it too much thats why its stressing me out. i need to send the festival people the setlist and visuals and shit by monday, and finneas doesnt even know what to do-"

"you want to go get food? it'll give you a tempoarary break and it'll get you out of the house... even if it is my parents house."

"i really do, that would be nice." She gave Liah a releaved look and watched her stand up excitedly. "I'll go get dressed." she kissed billie on the top of her head and rushed up the stairs to her room.

Billie sat on the couch, watching her phone on the coffee table, the blank screen almost mocking her. when she got a text message it startled her a little, but anything would right now. grabbing the phone she looked at who texted her and was happy that it was Zoe.

Z<3 "you free tonight?"

"no, me and D, are getting food. is it important?"

Z<3: "no, i just miss you. you guys should come over later, and watch a movie."

Billie: "i'll ask"

Z<3: "things seem to be getting better. are they?"

billie: "yeah. i feel bad her friends up in washington are still teting her, but i think i can get it right this time."

Z<3: "im glad. you look so much happier."

"im ready!" liah yelled while walking down the stairs. she was wearing a white sundress with blue flowers scattered around it. her converse matched but the white canvas was scuffed and dirty. 

"you look amazing!" billie turned around in her seat and took in the beauty that wasnt offically her girlfriend.

"thank you." she smiled and grabbed her bag from the couch. "you dont look too bad yourself." the two laughed and started out the door to one of their cars.

"hey look at you two-" Liahs dad spoke up and wiped his dirt covered gloves onto his jeans. "you look so nice."

"we're going to get dinner. did you and mom want me to bring you back something?" she ran across the yard to hug her dad, and kiss his cheek goodbye. 

"no, but ill let you know if we change our minds. ill let her know you'll be back later." 


the two sat across the table eating, notmuch was really said, which made everything billie wanted to say so much more awkward. her nerves were already shot from her set, but nothing could make her more nervous than this. sitting across from someone she knows still likes her, but doesnt know if she'll give her another chance.

"So-" billie cleared her throat to get Liah's attention, from watching other people walk by. when her gaze was on her she got so much more nervous.

"yeah? you okay?" liah pushed her water closer to billie, and she smiled faintly.

"yeah im okay. i uh- i actually wanted to ask you something." 

Liah shook her head and rested her head in her hands watching her fumble over her words. it wasnt something billie did often, but when she did liah found it supper cute.

"i was wondering if there was any posibility you could give me one last chance. i wont fuck it up this time-"



"What do you mean what? Billie you are my best friend, first girl friend, and first love. ive never met anyone like you in my life. i'd give you a million chances if i could." liah took billies shaking hand into hers and watched the nervousness melt off her face.

"you would?"

"in a heartbeat, and id gladly be your anything again. as long as im with you im perfectly fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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